New chemicals imported or manufactured in China are required to be approved by the State Environmental Protection Administration of China (SEPA) for their registration prior to the date of importation or the manufacturing date.
KTR Chemical Substance Work Procedures
화학물질 등록 상담 및 접수
기초자료 접수 및 견적 제공
등록 필요 서류 준비 및 제출
신청결과 보고 및 사후관리
Required Data for Registration of New Chemical Substance in China
Basic Level (Q < 10ton) |
Level 1 (10ton ≤ Q < 1000ton) |
Level 2 (1000ton ≤ Q) |
Physico-chemical properties |
Toxicity Test |
- Request additional data, according to expert decision |
Eco-Toxicity Test |
- Algae Growth Inhibition Test, 24-hour Daphnia Acute Immobilization Test, Acute Toxicity Test to Fish, Activated Sludge Respiration Inhibition Test, Biodegradability Test or Non- Biodegradability Test, Absorption/Desorption Screening Test |
Bio-accumulation test for non-biodegradable substances |
KTR Services