The registration of chemical substances manufactured or imported in/to Korea in the MoE shall be completed before manufacture or import in compliance with the related regulation.
The MoE plans to implement the revised Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemicals (K-REACH) from Jan. 1 2019.
Main content of the revision of K-REACH
- (Expansion of scope) All existing chemical substances manufactured or imported over 1 tpa shall be registered in phases according to the tonnage and risk levels by 2030.

- ※ (Introduction of Prior Notification) If more than 1 tpa of existing chemical substance is manufactured or imported, it shall be reported to the MoE by Jun. 30 2019 in order to be granted the grace period for registration.
- * If the prior notification wasn’t fulfilled, the manufacture/import/use/sales of the relevant substance is suspended from Jul. 1 2019, and it shall be registered without the grace period for registration in order to begin the manufacture or import of the relevant substance again.
- - (Change of Criteria of New Chemical Substance) A new chemical substance more than 0.1tpa shall be registered before being placed in the market, and the procedure of a new chemical substance less than 0.1 tpa would be simplified with notification.
- * A chemical substance exempted under former TCCA shall also be notified in order to assess the state of distribution.
- - (Abolishment of Annual Report) The reporting system to investigate a manufacturer/importer/seller, uses, and quantity is abolished.
(This can be verified through a survey performed under the CCA.)
- - (Transition of Management of Products of Risk Concerns) The term “self-inspection” is changed to “safety confirmation” and the term
“products of risk concern is changed to “household chemical products subject to safety confirmation”.
- * Click here to see more details on 「Act on Safety Management of Household Chemical Products and Biocides」
- - (Enhancement of Management of A Small Quantity of Chemical Substance) Even if a company’s new chemical substance was manufac
tured or imported less than 0.1 tpa or a company’s existing chemical substance manufactured or imported less than 1 tpa is not subject
to registration, the substances recognized to exceed a certain criteria of total amount of domestic manufacture/import annually (speci
fied in subordinate decrees) shall be designated and notified by the MoE as a subject to registration through the deliberation of the
Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee (CAAC).
- - (Exclusions of Biocides from K-REACH) Active substances and biocidal products subject to K-BPR are excluded from K-REACH.
Comparison of Existing vs. Amended

화평법 현행법 및 개정안 비교 - 항목, 개정법, 현행법
Category |
Amended ARECS |
Existing ARECS |
Abolishment of Reporting of Manufacturing, etc. |
· A manufacturer or importer of an existing substance is granted the registration grace period by reporting the substance name, tonnage band, etc. before manufacture or import. |
· A manufacturer/importer/seller of an existing substance more than 1 tpa or a chemical substance shall report the quantity and uses annually. |
Abolishment of existing chemical
substance subject to registration |
· Joint registration of all the existing substances less than 1 tpa (Approx. 7,000) within a grace period for each tonnage band |
· Registration of the designated/notified existing chemical substance subject to registration (510 substances) |
Notification of product |
· If a product contains more than 0.1%(W/W) of a substance of risk concern (approx. 1,270) and exceeds 1 tpa, a manufacture or importer of the product shall notify.
· A solid product is also relevant to this category. |
· A manufacturer or importer of a product that exceeds 1 tpa for each substance of risk concern contained in the entire products and that exceeds 0.1%(W/W) of each substance of risk concern contained in one product shall notify. |
Expanded provision of information
on chemical substance |
· A transferor of hazardous chemical substance or mixture containing this more than a regulated amount as well as a registered chemical substance shall provide the information.
· A transferor of a substance of concern shall provide the information for notification. |
· A transferor of a registered substance or mixture containing this shall provide the information. |
Designation/management of permitted substance |
· All uses not relevant to the requirement for the exemption designated/notified when permitted substances are notified shall not be used. |
· Designation/notification for allowing the manufacture/import/use receiving permission. |
KTR Services
Establishment of Chemical Substance Inventory
- - Agency for annual report on manufacture/import
- - Check and classification of hazardous chemical substances
- - Establish inventory of hazardous chemical substances by types (CAS No., Management volume, Physicochemical property, etc.)
- - Establish and provide the chemical substance inventory database
Diagnosis and Consulting of K-REACH Compliance
- - Diagnosis, evaluation and prescription services on the entire K-REACH provisions
- - Education program on K-REACH/ Consultation services for establishing the internal process and tasks division
- - Consultation service for products of risk concern
- - Examination and reporting of hazardous chemical substances within products
- - Examination of exemption conditions from registration
- - Provision and establishment of strategies in registration of substances required for registration
- - Provision of information and establishment of information protection strategies
- - Establishment and provision of the detailed response strategies per each provision of K-REACH
Agency Service (or Only Representative Service) on registration of chemical substances
- - Management of consortium per each substance for joint-registration of existing chemical substances subject to registration
- - Establishment of strategies on physicochemical properties and toxicity tests
- - Generation of GHS/MSDS
- - Evaluation of risks of chemical substances and generation of Chemical Safety Report
- - Establishment of strategies involved with information sharing and protection
KTR Chemical Substance Work Procedures

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