

서브 비주얼

Polymer materials

Support and evaluation for companies in the polymer field such as composition analysis, physical property measurement, and life prediction of polymer component materials
Implements the analyzing project for the chemical characteristics of polymer(Laws, requirements and test method)

Test Items


  • - Evaluation of physical properties such as general plastics and engineering plastics
  • - Mechanical test (plastic and foamed plastic)
  • - Performance evaluation of film and tape
  • - Moisture resistance test and thermal shock test for polymer materials and automobile parts
  • - Evaluates the cryogenic performance of insulation
  • - Evaluation of physical properties at cryogenic temperature(-160 ℃)
  • - Measurement of the thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient


  • - Mechanical test
  • - Pressure resistance test


  • - General property test for paint
  • - Analyzes physical and chemical properties of other special paints
  • - Durability test for paints
  • - Test and evaluation for road marking paints and anti-slip packing materials

Instrument analysis

  • - Analysis of main materials of polymer
  • - Test regarding the Act on the Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances
  • - Polymer thermal analysis

General plastics


  • - Evaluation of physical properties such as general plastics and engineering plastics
  • - Mechanical test on foamed plastic, plastic, etc.
  • - Performance evaluation of film and tape

Test Items

  • - Tensile, flexural, compressive, elongation, modulus
  • - Tensile shear, shear strength and bond strength
  • - Adhesion and retention test
  • - Izod and Charpy impact strength

Test equipment

Test equipment
Equipment name purpose remarks
Universal testing machine Identifying the tensile and mechanical properties of polymer materials Universal testing machine
Plastic impact tester Identifying the impact properties of polymer materials Plastic impact tester

Evaluates the insulating material and its cryogenic performance


  • - Evaluation of cryogenic performance, thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient of insulation
  • - Evaluation of physical properties at cryogenic temperature(-160 ℃)

Test Items

  • - Thermal conductivity (-160 ℃ ~ 250 ℃)
  • - Linear thermal expansion coefficient (-170 ℃ ~ 500 ℃)
  • - Tensile strength and tensile modulus (-170 ℃ ~ 300 ℃)
  • - Compressive strength and compressive modulus (-170 ℃ ~ 300 ℃)
  • - Shear strength (-170 ℃ ~ 300 ℃)

Test equipment

Test equipment
Equipment name purpose remarks
Cryogenic thermal conductivity tester (GHP) Identifying the thermal conductivity of insulating materials Cryogenic thermal conductivity tester (GHP)
Linear thermal expansion coefficient tester (Dilatometer) Identifying the thermal expansion of cryogenic insulation Linear thermal expansion coefficient tester (Dilatometer)
Ultra low temperature elastic durability tester (Ultra Low-Temp. UTM) Identifying the tensile and mechanical properties of polymer materials with ultra low temperature Ultra low temperature elastic durability tester (Ultra Low-Temp. UTM)