

서브 비주얼

Automobile parts

If four domestic automakers, car makers manufacturing automobile parts related to overseas automobiles, or cooperative company must submit inspection results to the user for quality control, they can be recognized by submitting their inspection results conducted by our institute . This is also the case if you do not have your own testing facilities.

Relevant standards

- Standard of Hyundai & Kia Motors (MS)

- Standard of Daewoo Motor Company(EDS)

- Standard of Ssangyong Motor Company(SES)

- Standard of Samsung Motor Company(SMS)

Sample amount and processing period

Plastic interior material (MS210-05)열림/닫힘
Sample amount and processing period
Test item Required sample Number of samples Number of days
Thermal cycle Product or reputation 2 2
Light resistance Product (At least 5cm in the flat area or reputation(100 mm X 350 mm) 2 3 ~ 4
(Different period by type)
Abrasion resistance reputation (100 mm X 350 mm) 2 2
Scratch resistance (Sapphire up / Erickson method) reputation(100 mm X 350 mm) 2 2

※ For other specifications, negotiation is possible before the tese

Plastic exterior material (MS210-06)열림/닫힘
Plastic exterior material
Test item Required sample Number of samples Number of days
Thermal cycle Product or reputation(100 mm X 350 mm) 2 2
Weatherability Product(At least 5cm in the flat area) or reputation(100 mm X 350 mm) 2 4 ~ 8 (Different period by type)
Vibration resistance Product & Jig 2 4
Water resistance Product or reputation(100 mm X 350 mm) 2 2
Chemical resistance Product or reputation(100 mm X 350 mm) 4 2
Impact resistance Product or reputation(100 mm X 350 mm) 2 2
Scratch resistance Product or reputation(100 mm X 350 mm) 2 2
Fouling resistance Product or reputation(100 mm X 350 mm) 4 2
Heavy metal and harmful substances Product or reputation(100 mm X 350 mm) 2 2

※ For other specifications, negotiation is possible before the tese

Painting - For plastic parts (MS 652-14)열림/닫힘
Painting - For plastic parts
Test item Required sample Number of samples Number of days
Hardness 150 × 150 mm 1 12 to 15 days, excluding accelerated weathering. If the weatherability is included, it can vary upon condition)
Adhesive property 75 × 150 mm 1
Gloss 50 × 50 mm 1
Water resistance One notified product -
Impact resistance One notified product -
Moisture resistance One notified product -
Acid resistance 75 × 150 mm 1
Alkari resistance 75 × 150 mm 1
Gasoline resistance 75 × 150 mm 1
Wax remover resistance 75 × 150 mm 1
Salt spray resistance 75 × 150 mm 2
Heat resistance One notified product -
Heat cycle resistance One notified product -
Accelerated weathering 75 × 150 mm 2
Stain resistance 75 × 150 mm 1
Abrasion resistance 50 × 150 mm
For parts, negotiation is required.

※ For other specifications, negotiation is possible before the tese

Painting - for metal parts (MS 652-15)열림/닫힘
Painting - for metal parts
Test item Required sample Number of samples Number of days
Hardness 150 × 150 mm 1 12 to 15 days, excluding accelerated weathering. If the weatherability is included, it can vary upon condition)
Adhesive property 75 × 150 mm 1
Impact resistance 50 × 50 mm 1
Thermal cycle One notified product 1
Accelerated weathering 75 × 150 mm 1
Water resistance 75 × 150 mm 1
Acid resistance 75 × 150 mm 1
Alkari resistance 75 × 150 mm 1
Salt spray test 75 × 150 mm 1
Oil resistance 75 × 150 mm 1
Fuel oil resistance 75 × 150 mm 1
Falling and abrasion test To be negotiated 1
Wax resistance 75 × 150 mm 1
Gasoline resistance 75 × 150 mm 1
Wax remover resistance 75 × 150 mm 1
Protective wax resistance 75 × 150 mm 1
Film thickness 75 × 150 mm 1

※ For other specifications, negotiation is possible before the tese

Combustibility of the material열림/닫힘
Combustibility of the material
Test item Required sample Number of samples Number of days
Combustibility (state)
MS 300-08
350 × 100 mm 5 Seven to eight days, excluding the case of leaving at high temperature (10 days in case of leaving at high temperature)
Combustibility (leaving at high temperature)
MS 300-08
350 × 100 mm 5
350 × 100 mm 5

※ For other specifications, negotiation is possible before the tese

Odor test of interior materials (stink)열림/닫힘
Odor test of interior materials (stink)
Test item Required sample Number of samples Number of days
Peel strength, abrasion resistance, adhesive property, tensile test, etc. To be negotiated To be negotiated Varies according to conditions

※ For other specifications, negotiation is possible before the tese

PAD and foams열림/닫힘
PAD and foams
Test item Required sample Number of samples Number of days
Abrasion resistance, freezability, weatherability, heat cycle resistance, etc. To be negotiated To be negotiated Varies according to conditions

※ For other specifications, negotiation is possible before the tese

Test item Required sample Number of samples Number of days
Friction resistance, light resistance, corrosion resistance, thermal resistance, etc. To be negotiated To be negotiated Varies according to conditions

※ For other specifications, negotiation is possible before the tese

Introduction of test equipments

Accelerated light resistance tester (Xenon Arc) / Xenon Arc Fade-O-Meter 열림/닫힘
Accelerated light resistance tester
Name of equipment (Korean/English) Accelerated light resistance tester (Xenon Arc) / Xenon Arc Fade-O-Meter
Model name Ci4000
Manufacturer (manufacturing country) ATLAS(USA)
Standard (test standard or scope of analysis)
  • - Modern standard (MS 210-05, MS 652-14), Standard of Daewoo Motor Company and Samsung Motor Company
  • - Light Source : 6500W Xenon Arc
  • - B.P.T. : 89± 3 ℃
  • - Air Humidity : 50± 5 %RH
  • - Tested illumination : 65∼100 W/m2(300∼400 nm)
Person in charge Jae-Soon Lee, Senior Researcher of Compound Material Team, Institute of Key Material Indusustry
Principle and features We measure the physical and chemical changes of materials by implementing an artificial climate environment similar to natural sunlight and the actual environment (estimating the discoloration and physical properties of each wavelength band).
Applied field and test items
  • - Automobile parts, paint, coating, rubber, plastic, film, etc.
  • - Measurements of physical properties such as color difference, yellowing difference, gray scale, brightness difference, gloss change, tensile strength before and after exposure after a certain period of exposure.
Example of application Estimation of ultraviolet stability of automotive component materials
Remarks (processing period or test fee) To be negotiated with the client
Accelerated light resistance tester (Xenon Arc) / Xenon Arc Fade-O-Meter열림/닫힘
Accelerated light resistance tester
Name of equipment(Korean/English) Accelerated light resistance tester (Xenon Arc) / Xenon Arc Fade-O-Meter
Model name Ci4000 & Ci5000
Manufacturer(manufacturing country) ATLAS(USA)
Standard (test standard or scope of analysis)
  • - Modern standard (MS 210-06), SAE J2527, SAE J1960
  • - Light Source : 6500W Xenon Arc
  • - Irradiance : 0.55 & 0.75 W/m² (340 nm)
  • - B.S.T. : (65 ± 3) ℃,Humidity : (50 ± 5) %R.H.
  • - Inner/Outer Filter : Borosilicate/Borosilicate
  • - Spray Cycle : 18 min /120 min
Person in charge Jae-Soon Lee, Senior Researcher of Compound Material Team, Institute of Key Material Indusustry (Act # 3165)
Principle and features We measure the physical and chemical changes of materials by implementing an artificial climate environment similar to natural sunlight and the actual environment (estimating the discoloration and physical properties of each wavelength band).
Applied field and test items
  • - Automobile parts, paint, coating, rubber, plastic, film, etc.
  • - Measurements of physical properties such as color difference, yellowing difference, gray scale, brightness difference, gloss change, tensile strength before and after exposure after a certain period of exposure.
Example of application Estimation of ultraviolet stability of automotive component materials
Remarks (processing period or test fee) To be negotiated with the client

Documents for requested examination

- One copy of Test Request form

- Test sample

- A Copy of business registration certificate (at first request)

- Test fee

Procedure of task

Procedure of task 확대

One copy of Test Request form

Test sample

A Copy of business registration certificate (at first request)

Test fee

  • - Delivery of test sample : By home delivery or pick-up(mobile service available)
  • - Payment of test fee: By cash, card or online deposit
  • - Receipt of the report: Directly or by mail after the fax is sent