

서브 비주얼

Support for Acquisition of International Standards Certification

Overseas Standard Certification Acquisition Supporting Project Training

General training on the overall understanding of basic concepts and procedures for smaller enterprises preparing to obtain certification overseas, as well as in-depth practical training for the administrator


11 General courses, 14 Intense courses (25 in total)

Project Introduction

Supporting certain portion of the costs for the small and medium businesses to acquire the international standards certifications (The project is sponsored by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups)

Supports For

The small and medium businesses in accordance of the Article 2 of the Framework Act on Small and Medium Enterprises (less than $50 million in exportation during the year before) on the acquisition of Internatonal Standards (CE, FDA, FCC, etc.) and Chinise Standards (CCC, CFDA, etc.)

Rage of Supports

Sponsoring certain portion (50-70%) of the certification expenses to acquire international standards (Certificate Issuance Fees, etc.), testing fees, examination (Factory/documentation examination, etc.), and consulting fees (consultancy fees, documents agency, etc.)

Supporting Fields

CoC (Certificate of Conformity)

When a 3rd party (certification agency) issues the certification through conformity evaluation

DoC (Declaration of Conformity)

When the producer declare the conformity of certification or the testing report could replace the certification (incl. certifications with no 3rd party involvement in the process)

Chinese Certificates

Supporting services on the testing/certification fees, technology consultant, registration agency, and difficulties in the local operation in the process of acquiring Chinese Standards such as CCC(China Compulsory Certificate), and CFDA(China Food and Drug Administration)

* The contract fees on the high-value certification within the CoC fields are recalculated considering the support proportion by the sales scale and submitted estimation

Support Limits

해외규격인증획득지원사업 지원한도 - 지원분야, 인증건수, 기업당 지원한도, 지원비율, 비고
Supporting fields No. of applications limit for each corporate to apply Supporting Ratio Notes
For corporates with less than 3 billion in sales For corporates with more than 3 billion in sales
CoC Max. 4 cases 100,000 70% 50% By certificate/product
Refer to individual limits
DoC 25,000 70% 50%
Chinese Certificates No limit 100,000 70%

* The contract fees on the high-value certification within the CoC fields are recalculated considering the support proportion by the sales scale and submitted estimation

※ The corporates applying for Chinese Certificates should complete the Operation Proposal for 1 of the below listed institutions

중국인증분야 신청기업이 참고해야할 수행기관 정보 - 수행기관명, 주소, 전화번호, 제품분야
Name of Institution Address Phone No. Products
Korea Testing Certification
(Overseas Standards Center)
22, Heungan-daero 27beon-gil, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do


e-mail: jrcho@ktc.re.kr

Manufactured goods
Korea Testing & Research Institute
(Global Business Deivision)
98, Gyoyugwon-ro, 4th floor (KTR Main Research Building), Gwacheon-si (Jungang-dong), Gyeonggi-do

02-2164-0045∼0046, 1473, 1479

e-mail: ozyunju@ktr.or.kr

Cosmetics, Medical Devices, Processed Foods,
Processed Foods, Chemical Substances, Manufactured goods
China Certification & Inspection Group Korea Co., Ltd.(Certification Headquarter) 402, World Cup buk-ro, 21st floor (KGIT Center), Mapo-gu, Seoul

02-6393-5850, 5867

e-mail: marketing@ccickorea.com

Cosmetics, Processed Foods, Manufactured goods

Project Process

사업추진절차:사업공고→신청접수→평가→지원기업 선정 및 협약체결→참여기업/관리기관 착수·중간보고→인증획득·완료보고→완료보고서 확인→출연금지급·사후관리 확대

  1. 1.사업공고: 중소벤처기업부
  2. 2.신청·접수¹: 중소기업
  3. 3.평가: 지방중기벤처기업청
  4. 4.지원기업 선정 및 협약체결²: 선정위원회, 관리기관
  5. 5.참여기업↔관리기관: 착수/중간보고(DoC제외)
  6. 6.인증획득, 완료보고: 참여기업
  7. 7.완료보고서 확인: 관리기관
  8. 8.출연금지급, 사후관리


  • 1. 신청·접수:사업신청은 중소기업수출지원센터(www.exportcenter.go.kr)를 통해 신청가능
  • 2. 지원기업 선정 및 협약체결:중국인증집중지원사업은 협약체결전 수행기관과 계약 체결 후 착수금(총 사업비의 30%)을 납부하여야 함

Certification Partner

Supporting the small businesses and startups through trainings and consultations with certification experts through the entire process

In the cases of participants

Apply online through the SME Export Support Center website

In the cases of non-participants

Call/register through "1381 Certification Call Center" (call 1381 without an area code)

* Excluding the enterprises worked with a consultant at the time of registration from participants

How To Apply

신청방법:중소기업수출지원센터(http://www.exportcenter.go.kr)→수출지원사업 바로가기→해외규격인증획득 지원→인증동반자 지원신청 확대

  • Application and Registration
    - Application: Apply online through the SME Export Support Center (www.exportcenter.go.kr)
    - Document Registration: Local SME Export Support offices
  • CoC
    - KTR Export Certification Center
    - Tel. (+82) 2-2164-0173, 6, / Fax. (+82) 2-507-8118
  • Chinese Certificates
    - KTR Export Certification Center
    - Tel. (+82) 2-2164-0172, 4 / Fax. (+82) 2-507-8118
  • Certification Partner
    - KTR Export Certification Center
    - Tel. (+82) 2-2164-1420