

서브 비주얼

Safety Certification

Safety certification system(Safety management of children product)

Children's product safety special act article 17

System that requires manufacturer or importer of children product that need safety certification prior to release or clearance from safety certification agency ( Need regular inspection once every 2 years (Product inspection + Factory evaluation) )

Children product for safety certification

Children product safety act article 2 subparagraph9 and same act enforcement regulation article 2 paragraph 1 asterisk 1 as reference

Children products are the one that needs proof for its safety that are likely to cause harm to children due to structure, materials, and method.

Item available for application

  • 1. Warter rides for children
  • 2. Rides for children
  • 3. BB gun for children

Procedure and necessary document by stage

Apply for safety certification

Apply if you need factory evaluation and new product test or item addition.

Apply for safety verification

Apply if you need safety certification on product that are manufactured or imported in limited quantity or products for children that are disposable.

Apply for change in safety certification

Apply if you want to change the ones that you got safety certification.(But, change in manufacturing information(Country, company) and item are not included.)

Apply for re-inspection

If you have complaints on regular inspection resuls, you can apply for request 15 days after you have received the results.

Apply for exemption from safety certification

If product is for exhibition and conference or for research, development, export, or import, you can apply for exemption.
(Please contact Product Safety Association for more information through TEL.02-890-8300.)

Apply for exemption from safety verification

If product is for exhibition and conference or for research, development, export, or import, you can apply for exemption.

Apply for industrial product clearance

Apply if product inspection is needed for safety certification.

Apply for inspection of industrial products for same model

If you need import clearance(Product verified through customs) apply through UNI-PASS(http://portal.customs.go.kr/). (Excluding products that proved its safety)

Inspection fee and period (Execute:15, July 2015)

안전인증제도의 검사 품목, 기간, 안전인증 수수료, 안전인증 시료크기, 안전인증 모델구분 및 비고
Item Term
(Including Saturday, Sunday)
Safety certification Note
Fee(won) Minimum amount available to test
(Size of samples)
Classification of model
Safety Certification Water rides for children Air injected water rides 21일 406,000 3 -

New safety certification (For the first time)

1. Fee for factory evaluation
: Fees for airplane and business trip are not included.

  • - Domestic 250,000 won,
  • - Overseas 600,000 won

2. Fee for issuing safety certification : 55,000 won

Safety certificatin regualr inspection

1. Fee for factory evaluation : Fees for airplane and business trip are not included.

  • - Domestic 200,000 won
  • - Overseas 480,000 won

Change safety certification

1. Fee for change 20,000 won

Proving Safety

1. Fee for sample extraction:
Domestic 278,000 won
(Business trip fee not included.)

Swimming equipment Wearable 710,000
Non-wearable 590,000
Rides for children Swing Type1 14days 538,000 2
Type2 548,000
Type3 524,500
Type4 539,500
Slide Wave type 81,500
Multipel track
Tunnel/Complex tunnel 93,000
Air rides Holding type 198,000
Seat type 298,000
Spining rides TypeA 205,000
TypeB 135,000
TypeC 565,000
TypeD 151,500
TypeE 119,500
Swinging rides Type1 121,500
Type2A 101,500
Type2B 101,500
Type3A 121,500
Type3B 121,500
Type4 106,500
Type5 101,500
Type6 111,500
Space net 35,000
Closed rides 428,000
General (Jungle gym, Climbing rides, Jumping rides, Play ground, Other rides) 560,000
Shock absorbing surface materials 230,000
BB gun for children 14days 360,000 1
  • ※ Impose 2,000 won for postage and basic fee 5,000 for each case
  • ※ Extra fee could be charged if it is inquired after classified by materials and color which could cause change in inspection item or result.
  • ※ Based on detailed classification of common safety standard for children product, part of fee can be extra charged.
  • ※ Test fee is determined based on the size of sample based on safety certification application (New n=2(But, Rides for children n=1)/Regular n=1). (Data was based on n=1 price for regular inspection)
  • ※ VAT 10% is not included

Label for safety certification and Standard and methods for labeling warning·caution

Design shape for safety certification label


Design shape for warning ·caution for children product

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