

서브 비주얼

Q Mark

Q mark


To protect benefit of consumer and for quality improvement in industrial product, strict inspection standards are established suitable for characteristics of product and Q mark is given after system of quality management and quality of certain product are ensured.

Target Field and Item

  • - Chemical product
  • - Materials for construction
  • - Materials for ceramic industry
  • - Metal and non-destructive field
  • - Other relevant product

Procedure for work process

Q마크 업무처리절차 확대

공정심사 합격시

  1. 시료체취
  2. 제품시험
  3. 심의회
  4. Q마크 인증

상담(적합성 검토)

  1. 전문위원회 심의
  2. 기준제정
  3. 신청서 접수(양식 Download 링크 있음)
  4. 공장심사(양식 Download 링크 있음)

공장심사 불합격시

  1. 불합격 통보
  2. 원인분석 및 재발방지
  3. 개선(조치)

Benefits given to certification firm

  • 1. Support for establishment of quality management system
  • 2. Provision of information on technology
  • 3. Discount benefit in Examination commission fee for requested examination (20%)
  • 4. Discount in registration fee once registered in PL insurance (Maximum 50%)
  • 5. Procurement contract and administrative support during delivery
  • 6. Joint technology development in connection with government funding

Design for mark

Q마크 확대