Outline for system
Energy consumption efficiency grade labeling system is divided into Energy consumption efficiency grade labeling, minimum efficiency standard, goals for consumption efficiency.
Energy consumption efficiency grade labeling system classifies into 1~5 grade based on energy consumption efficiency or amount used. Consumer can purchase high efficiency product easily and it is a system that makes manufacturer (Importer) to produce and import starting from production (import) stage. 1grade product saves 30~40% energy compared with 5 grade product.
Energy consumption efficiency grade label
Minimum standard for efficiency is set up to prevent distribution of low efficiency product and enhance technology development of producer by setting up minimum efficiency standard. For products that are not improved once it is found, distribution is prohibited on producer and distributor.
Goal of consumption efficiency means goals that must be achieve after certain period.
Procedure for grade notification
Consumption efficiency grade notification
If you apply "For efficiency grade notification " test at designated test organization (or self test certification organization) for product produced (Imported) through national designated test organization (or self-test certification organization), after completing the test and if you notify the result within 30 days, Korean Energy Agency will register product’s grade on the list through internet (http://www.kemco.or.kr/efficiency).
Producer(importer) must get issued “Test report” and its result can be checked through internet. Even if there is change in things that are not related to function such as color, position of handle, etc., one must notify to Korean Energy Agency. Also every year, yearly performance on production and sales must be reported to Korean Energy Agency next year, end of January.
Notification procedure

설명이 들어갑니다.
Related Regulation
Regulation related with Energy efficiency indicator system Law on logical use of enery and its enforcement ordinance and regulation and regulation based on 「Regulation on use of Energy Efficiency Label Test」consists of (The Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy 2002-20 edition, 2002. 2. 16) or 「Regulation on energy consumption efficieny and grade labeling on automobiles」(The Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy 2002-68 edition, 2002. 7. 2).
Also in public procurement service 「Sales standard fo energy consuming product 」 (Order by public procurement servic 제1106edition, 2000. 5. 12) is establisehd and best grade(1 grade) product is purchased as top priority
Notification procedure

Act on the rational use of energy Article 17, 18, 95- 2, 97, regulation article 17 (Designation of efficiency management equipment, etc.)
- ① If the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy decides that it is essential for rational use of energy, among energy using equipment that use vast amount of energy and that are generally distributed determined by Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy(“Efficiency management equipment”) can be notified based on following terms.
- 1. Standard for goals of energy consumption efficiency and amount of used
- 2. Standard for minimum energy consumption efficiency and maximum amount of used
- 3. Labeling for energy consumption efficiency and amount of used
- 4. Grade of energy consumption efficiency or grade labeling
- 5. Energy consumption efficiency or method to measure amount used
- 6. Other matters that are essential for efficiency management equipment determined by Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy
- ② The minister of Commerce Industry and Energy needs to discuss with head or relevant administrative organization if the minister of Commerce Industry and Energy tries to notify terms in paragraph 1.
- ③ Manufacturer or importer of efficient managed equipment must label base on notification in regulation of paragraph 1.
In testing organization determined by the minister of Commerce Industry and Energy (referred as "testing organization “) one must get measurement on energy consumption efficiency and grade on efficiency management equipment and result should be labeled on the equipment.
- ④ Testing organization must notify result from paragraph 3 to the minister of Commerce Industry and Energy .
- ⑤ If manufacturer, importer, or distributor advertise about efficiency management equipment using advertising medium determined by the minister of Commerce Industry and Energy, within advertisement, energy consumption efficiency, amount used and energy efficiency grade according to article 1 subparagraph 3 and 4 must be included.
- ⑥ Standard for designation of testing organization based on article 3 must be determined by the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy.
Article 18 (Follow-up management of Efficiency management equipment)
- ① If efficiency management equipment is not appropriate in notification based on article 17 paragraph 1 and 3 or 4, the minister of Commerce Industry and Energy can order for correction to manufacturer and importer of efficiency management equipment with designation certain period
- ② If efficiency management equipment short of standard in minimum consumption efficiency or exceed maximum consumption efficiency, the minister of Commerce Industry and Energy can order manufacturer and importer of efficiency management equipment to stop production and distribution.
- ③ The minister of Commerce Industry and Energy can announce the fact if efficiency managing equipment is not appropriate and does not follow regulation article 17 paragraph 1 subparagraph 1 or 4.
Article 95-2 (Penalty) (Follow-up management of efficient management of resources)
Ones who violated production or injunction on sales get less than 20 million won of penalty based on article 18 paragraph 2
Article 97 (Penalty)
Person who belongs to any term below will get penalty of 5 million won
- 1. Manufacturer·importer who did not receive grade on energy consumption efficiency·amount used about efficient management of resources due to violation of article 17 paragraph 3
- 2. Ones who did not label or falsely labeled energy consumption efficiency·amount used about efficient management of resources due to violation of article 17 paragraph 3
- 3. Ones who advertise not including information in article 17 paragraph 5
Act on the rational use of energy enforcement ordinance article 18-10 (Follow-up management of Efficiency management equipment, etc.)
Article 18-10 (Follow-up management of Efficiency management equipment, etc.)
- ① The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy can request from head of administrative organization for necessary documents that are needed for follow-up management of efficiency management equipment according to Act article 18.
- ② The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy can make public official or Korean Energy Agency to check status of improvement order and order on production• prohibition on sales based on Act article 18 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2.
Act on the rational use of energy enforcement regulation article 8, article 8-2, article 9-8 (Efficiency management equipment)
Article 8 (Efficiency management equipment)
- ① Efficiency management equipment based on Act article 17 paragraph 1 are as follows.
- 1. Electric refrigerator
- 2. Electric freezer 2-2. Electric laundry machine
- 3. Automobiles
- 4. Light equipment
- 5. Generating unit, etc. energy supplying unit
- 6. Other resources that are considered to require improvement in efficiency by the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy
- ② Range for efficiency management equipment in paragraph 1 is determined and notified by the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy.
Article 8- 2 (Designation of testing institution)
According to article 17 paragraph 3, Testing institution are certified instituion for test and inspection according to National Standard Framework Act article 23, are designated by the Minister of Commerce Industry and Energy from one of the following subparagraph
- 1. Testing and research institute founded by nation
- 2. Special research institute based on Act on the Support of special research institution article 2
- 3. Institution recognized by the Minister of Commerce Industry and Energy which has similar capacity as that of subparagraph 1 and 2
Article 9 (Advertising medium for efficiency management equipment)
According to regulation article 17 paragraph 5 advertising medium that needs advertising information about energy consumption efficiency,usage, and consumption efficieny grade are as follows.
- 1. According to law about registration of periodic publication article 7, among registered publication, the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy decides by considering the size of advertisement.
- 2. Product instruction on efficiency management equipment