

서브 비주얼

Medical Waste Disposal Container Inspection

Insepction on special container for medical waste

Bag type container, box type container (corrugated cardboard container, container made out of synthetic resins, metal container) are used to incinerate, sterilize, etc. based on laws on waste management and we have been designated as inspection agency from Ministry of Environment and currently inspecting contagious special container.

의료폐기물 전용용기 검사 분류에따른 상세설명
Organ logistics Materials extracted and amputated from human body or animals, corpse of experimental animal, blood,pus,secretion from human body and animal. But according to Law Article 2 paragraph 1 which is about burial and cemetery, etc. people who are pregnant more than 4 months are excluded.
Cotton Ball Cotton ball used for animal's blood· pus·secretion·excrement or sanitization· bandage·gauze·disposable diaper·sanitary pad
Used synthetic resins Disposablesyringe ·Set for fluid ·Blood bag or waste used during hemodialysis
Pathogenic medical waste Culture tube or container, used test tube, slide, cover glass, bottle for blood, used gloves, culture medium, and blood used during test or inspection
Medical waste that can cause further damage Needle for injection ·scalpel ·acupuncture needle or needle for dental
Mixed medical waste Medical waste that are mixture or contacted medical waste in ① and ⑤ that are not classified as other medical waste

Target field and item

Special container for medical waste

Work Procedure

1.검사신청 → 2.시료채취 및 출장검사 → 3.채취시료시험 → 4.종합검사 적부판정 → 5.검사결과 통지서 발급 확대