Quality Inspection
It is system that have third person to carry out quality inspection. If producer, supplier and demand enterprise wants to get neutral quality inspection, after discussing product standard and testing method, extra inspection can be conducted by third person.
Quality of delivered product can be verified by the third official inspection agency and bring effect such as increase in reliability to demand enterprise and market expansion.
Object Item
Product related with electric and elctronics, chemical, material for construction , material for ceramic, metal, and non-destructive field, field in household, kids, cosmetics and others that are related
1. KTR(전문검사기관) → 납품업체 : 검사성적서 제공, 시험분석서비스
2. KTR(전문검사기관) → 수요업체 : 검사성적서(품질관리용, 기관제출용, 납품용)
☞ 납품업체 → 수요업체 : 품질확보, 신뢰성 제공
Application procedure and cost