

서브 비주얼

Metal materials

Metallic Property


The metal plant team is recognized in the metal industry by KOLAS and the domestic and international classification companies(ABS, DVL, Lloyd, NK, KR). Our team is issuing official test certificate for the purpose of export support for heavy industry related companies such as shipbuilding and petrochemical plant which are the main export industries in Korea. We will become a leading testing agency by continuously making efforts to improve R&D and test analysis ability so that we can contribute to technological development and quality improvement of domestic metal parts and materials industry.

Major tests

Mechanical properties test

  • - Durability test of mechanical elements(fasteners, springs, gears, etc.) and load bearing products
  • - Mercury nitrate test and aging crack test of the same product
  • - Load test of various wires and ropes
  • - Tensile/bending/compression test of materials and cryogenic impact, hardness (Vickers, Brinell, Rockwell hardness test)
  • - Test analysis of hardness characteristics of surface hardening products(carburizing, nitriding, high frequency heat treatment)
  • 엔진용 체인 시험

    Engine Chain Test

  • 헬리콥터 데크 안정성 시험

    Helicopter Deck Stability Test

  • -170 ℃ 소재시험

    -170 ℃ Material Test

Chemical composition analysis Evaluation test on the soundness of welding parts

  • - Qualitative and quantitative(IC) analysis of iron/compound steel, nonferrous materials and unknown materials
  • - Large-scale rolling, metal-flow test of forged material and sulfur print
  • - Welding: WPS and PQR related test analysis of shipbuilding and heavy industry welded products. Support for task regarding domestic and overseas classification and tests with inspectors
  • - Technical cooperation for supporting atomic certifications regarding atomic energy(KEPIC/ASME)
  • - Large-scale rolling, metal-flow test of forged material and sulfur print test

Field analysis test

  • - Material pnalysis service(PMI)
  • - Field composition analysis using PMI component analysis facility
  • - Mechanical properties (tensile strength, residual stress, surface hardness)
  • - Determination of strength and hardness using mobile equipments
  • - Surface texture analysis(Replica test)
  • - Surface and texture analysis of the product using mobile surface pretreatment equipments
  • PMI  성분분석 시험

    PMI Component Analysis Test

  • 이동형 장비를 이용한 기계적 특성 시험

    Mechanical properties test using mobile equipment

Special test analysis

  • - Durability verification such as cryogenic fatigue test and structural analysis
  • - Analysis of fracture characteristics such as fracture toughness test(CTOD) and creep-rupture test
  • - Confirmation of temperature shock resistances using drop weight test, ductility/brittle transition temperature(FATT), etc.
  • - Evaluation of thermal properties such as high temperature/low temperature tensile test, high temperature hardness, creep rupture test, post heat treatment(PWHT), etc.
  • - Analyzes the causes of metal product failures(cracks, corrosion, leaks, etc.) and proposes the solutions
  • - NDT(Nill Ductility Transition Temperature) ) test regarding atomic energy
  • 파괴인성시험(CTOD)

    Crack Tip Opening Displacement

  • 극저온 피로시험

    Cryogenic Fatigue Test