

서브 비주얼


V-check mark

V-Check 마크

It is certification system that certifies safety, function, reliability of product to protect consumer and enhance product quality and function to enhance competitiveness. It is Korea Certification Mark which is officially authorized by Korea Accreditation System.


  • - Computer and other equipment
  • - Communication and equipment for broadcast
  • - Video and sound equipment
  • - Electricity converter
  • - Insulating sleeve and cable
  • - Ligth bulb and light equipment
  • - Household product
  • - Other electrical equipment

Procedure for work process

V-Check 마크 업무처리절차 확대

공정심사 합격시

  1. 시료체취
  2. 제품심사
  3. 인증결정
  4. 사후 관리

상담(적합성 검토)

  1. 전문위원회 심의
  2. 기준제정
  3. 신청서 접수(양식 Download 링크 있음)
  4. 공장심사(양식 Download 링크 있음)

공장심사 불합격시

  1. 불합격 통보
  2. 개선(조치)