

서브 비주얼

KOLAS Training Process

KOLAS Legal Compliance Course

KTR provides the Legal Compliance Courses for the accreditation of KOLAS

Course Registration

교육신청 확대
  • KTR 교육 아카데미 홈페이지 (http://www.ktr.or.kr/edu)
  • 온라인 교육신청
  • 해당 교육 선택 후 수강신청


Course Testing/Inspection/Proficiency Management/Standard Substance Production etc.
Course Fee KRW 380,000
No. of Students Opening for 44 students (In order of application)
Location KTR Gwacheon (Headquarters)


Courses Contents
Measurement Uncertainty Theories in Basic Statistics, Basic Theories and Measurement of Uncertainty, Cases and Practices of Measurement Uncertainties by Industrial Fields
Practical Operation based on KS Q ISO/IEC 17043 Training for KS Q ISO/IEC 17043 requirements for the Development and Operation of Proficiency Test Scheme
Accreditation of Standard Substances Producing Institutions Training of KSA ISO Guide 34 and 35 requirements for the operation of Standard Substances Producing Institutions
Internal Auditor Training for the internal audit capacity required for the appropriacy and efficiency of the operation system of the official testing·inspection institutions

※ Visiting Training Sessions are Available for all the courses with 15 or more students