

서브 비주얼

Construction materials


KTR has been recognized as an internationally recognized authority(KOLAS), quality inspection agency(general field), and noise and vibration measurement agency in the fields of construction environment, civil engineering and construction. KTR conducts R&D and test analysis in the areas of concrete, road, geology, water resources, construction environment, construction equipment, quality control, R&D, construction and dissemination of digital construction information.

We are actively supporting SMEs' technical difficulties through various product certification tests such as new product(NEP) certification, performance certification, green certification, NET certification, etc.

In order to improve the quality of life of the people, technology development and quality innovation of the construction industry, we are providing technical support to enable SMEs to lead the competitiveness of the construction site by utilizing various knowledge information such as the researchers‘ creative test analysis and research results. In addition, we have established an infrastructure that links industry, universities, and institutes, and we are conducting test analysis and operating research systems. Through this, we aim to contribute to the development of a safe, environmentally friendly and future-oriented construction industry.

Major tests

Concrete, soil quality, cement, epoxy, adhesives, anchors, stone materials, extended footbridge, cyclic aggregate, asphalt and asbestos, synthetic wood, non-slip packaging, masonry, waterproofing, thermal insulation, heat insulation, noise, vibration, flame test for interior and exterior materials, multilayer glass, etc.

General field

General field
Category Item
Window Window set, Door set, etc.
Concrete cement, admixture, grout material, core, secondary product, durability evaluation, etc.
Asphalt concrete filler, plant mixture, ascon mixture design, etc.
Aggregate natural aggregate, crushed aggregate, cyclic aggregate, light aggregate, etc.
Soil quality civil engineering materials, soil, rock, lumber, etc.
Wood natural wood, synthetic wood, plywood, flooring board, soil board, particle board, etc.
Glass double layer glass, laminated glass, etc.
Flame test Interior/exterior materials for building, thermal insulation, etc.
Waterproofing materials Waterproofing materials, repairing materials, reinforcing materials, sheet waterproofing, etc.
Interior and exterior materials wood, concrete bricks, heat insulation and thermal insulation materials
Adhesive epoxy, adhesive for tile, etc.
Construction environment background noise, vibration, life noise, vibration, etc.
On-site quality test plate loading, density, anchor drawing, etc.
Road packaging materials non-slip packaging materials, film foundation, cross-section repair materials

Special field

Special field
Category Item
New technology support projects New construction technology, new environmental technology, new disaster prevention technology, new traffic technology(NET), NEP certification
GR quality certification recycled heated asphalt mixture, interlocking block, synthetic wood, concrete, clay bricks, etc.
Environmental product declaration cyclic aggregate, recycled ascon, slip road packaging material
Other certification Performance certification and green certification

Main test equipments

  • 가속내구성시험기

    Accelerated durability tester

  • UTM (1ton)

    UTM (1ton)

  • 열관류율 시험기

    Thermal Permeability Tester

  • 열방출율시험기

    Heat release rate tester

  • 윤하중시험기(마모저항성)

    Wheel Load Tester (Abrasion Resistance)

  • 휠트래킹

    Wheel Tracking