KTR is one of world's five largest test agency and designated by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. We test and evaluate corrosion and methods of shipbuilding and offshore plants according to International Maritime Organization (IMO) and international agreements.
Certificate test for international agreement
- Test and evaluation and support for domestic and overseas certificates in reference to IMO revision agreement
- Technical examination and consulting regarding international certification tests
- Analysis of the causes of defects in shipbuilding and marine hazards and on-site technical support
- Performance evaluation of ballast water system
Test and evaluation
- IMO WBT PSPC (IMO Res. MSC215(82))
- IMO COT PSPC (IMO Res. MSC288(87))
- DNV Long term sacrificial anode performance test(DNV RP B401)
- Windmill corrosion performance test
- RMRS Ice resistance test
- IACS Type approval test, Shop primer weldability test
- Shop primer weldability test
- NORSOK M501 test (Norwegian marine industry standard)
- ISO 12944-6 Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems (Laboratory performance test methods)
- Corrosion design life prediction by simulation
- Other classification certification tests
Analysis results of marine structure
Prediction of corrosion and tendency outside the ship
Performance evaluation of sacrificial anode
Certification Status
- Designated testing agency for protective painting and metal material (KR)
- Designated testing agency for IMO WBT/COT PSPC (KR, DNV, ABS, LR, NK, RMR
- Designated testing agency for Ice resistance (RMRS)
- Sacrificial Anode Long Term Test Facility (DNV)
KR Certificate
LR Certificate
NK Certificate
ABS Certificate
DNV Certificate
RMRS Certificate