Proficiency Scheme (Program)
Clause 26, Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme Operation Manual (Proficiency Test)
- 1. An accredited testing laboratory should perform a proficiency test, approved by the director of KOLAS by medium classifications at least once in three years.
- 2. Though an accredited testing laboratory has participated in a proficiency testing according to article 2, it shall also take part in the proficiency testing the head of the accreditation body requests. If it doesn't, the head of the accreditation body can conclude that the laboratory would yield a nonconforming result.
- 3. To be an accredited testing laboratory, a testing laboratory shall participate in a domestic or international proficiency testing of its interested area (1 or more items in the categories of Attachment 1) approved by the head of the accreditation body and submit the result at the time of application for accreditation.
Proficiency Test Operational Procedure

- 숙련도시험 수요조사
- 숙련도 시험 계획
- 균질화된 시료준비
- 숙련도 운영
- 결과보고서
Proficiency Test Application Guidance

- 1. 회원가입
- 2. 온라인 참가신청
- 3. 참가신청 확인
- 4. 참가비 결제
- 5. 시료배포 및 수령확인
- 6. 결과보고서 제출