Procedure for hygiene approval
For cosmetic, CFDA hygiene approval is required(Imported product needs approval prior to import).
1) Preparation stage
Liabilty company in China (1, 5 months)
- - Senior in Liabilty company in China, write authorization letter
- - Authorization letter authentication (Korea, China), ID registration in CFDA
- - Composition, change slogan in box based on Chinese regulation
- - Nomeclature for product in Chinese (Including brand)
- - Other document (Free sales, CDA, etc.) need to be prepared prior to completion of product inspection
2) Product inspection

3) Administration procedure

- - CFDA administration repair service center : Completion of data and formal inspection (5 days)
- - Sanitary food evaluation center : Special use cosmetic technic evaluation (90 days)
- - CFDA : Evaluation and decision on issue (20 days, if necessary maximum 10 days can be extenede)
- - CFDA administration repair service center :Issue (Within 10 days)
KTR service by stage
1) First stage registration of authorization letter , Composition, Outer packaging review

2) Inspection and evaluation stage, Cosmetic inspection, Administrative process
A. Test inspection

B. Technical evaluation

- 1) 기술심사(특수용도:90일, 비특수:면제)
- 2) (비)특수용도 화장품
- 1. 행정허가 신청표
- 2. 제품의 중문명칭 명명 근거
- 3. 제품처방 (성분표)
- 4. 제품공정도 및 서술
- 5. 품질 안정통제요구
- 6. 제품원포장 (라벨, 설명서포함)
- 7. 검사보고서
- 8. 위허물질의 안정성 평가자료
- 9. 효능성분 사용근거 과학문헌자료
- 10. 수권서 사본 및 사업자등록증
- 11. 광우병 관련 물질 금지 승낙서
- 12. 생산과 판매 증명서 MCIA발급)
- 13. 허가검사기관에서 봉인한 미개봉 시판제품 1개
- 14. 제품기술요구
※ 비특수용도는 9번 절차 제외
3) Evaluation of completed stage and result

- 1.행정심사 20일내(최장 30일)
2-1. NO(부적합) : [CFDA 행정절차] 서류 보완 후 재신청
2-1. YES(적합) : [KTR 안내 업체 준비] 허가증 발급(10일 내)
- 3. [KTR 안내 업체 준비] 허가증 원본 전달
- 4. [KTR 서비스] 사후 관리 - 제출자료 보관, 연장신청서기 통보, 중문 라벨 작성 안내
One-Stop Solution to get approval in hygiene in cosmetic product

- 중국 화장품류 위생허가 획득(One-Step Solution)
- 재중책임회사 - KTR 상해법인, 수권계약, 수권서 CFDA 등록
- 컨설팅 - 제품처방(성분표), 내외부 패키지 문안, 제품의 중문명
- 양식제공·작성안내 - 서류 준비 안내, 서류 양식 안내, 서류 작성 안내
- 위생허가 대행 - 화장품류 위생허가, 신원료 위생허가, 위생허가 연장·변경
- 위생허가 제출자료 보관, 연장기간 안내 등 사후관리
Chinese Medical device Registration System (1)
Registration System
All medical devices must obtain prior approval from China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) in order to be sold in China.
※ Related Law: Medical device Registration Administrative System (CFDA Act Item No. 4, July 30th, 2014), Medical device Supervision Administration Ordinance (State Council Act Item No. 650, March 7th, 2014)
Institution of Authorization: China CFDA (former SFDA)
A Chinese State Council affiliated organization (Cabinet Ministerial level) in charge of administration and supervision of medical devices; equivalent to Korean FDA
Classification Rating
중국 의료기기 등록 분류 등급 - 분류, 정의, 임상여부, 인허가
Classification |
Definition |
Clinicality |
Licensing |
Rate |
Low risk medical device that can be guaranteed its safety and validity through general regulation |
(Exemption) |
Report |
Rate |
Middle risk medical device that can be guaranteed its safety and validity through strict control and management |
(Exemption) |
Register |
Clinical |
Rate |
Relatively high risk medical device that can be guaranteed its safety and validity through special measures, and strict control and management |
(Exemption) |
Clinical |
Chinese Medical Device Registration Procedure

- 1.계약체결 (위탁계약서 체결)
- 2.등급분류 (자료취합, 등급분류 판정)
- 3.서류작성 (등록 방안·계획수립-[Class I, II, III], 신고/등록서류 작성)
- 4.제품시험
Class I : 자체/제3자 시험보고서 준비
Class II, III : 제품시험(sample발송) → IRB승인(임상시험)
- 5.접수
Class I : 신고자료제출
Class II, III : 등록자료 제출
- 6.CFDA 심사
Class II, III : CFDA 기술문서 심사
- 7.완료
Class I : 신고증 취득
Class II, III : 의료기기 등록증 취득
Chinese Medical Device Administrative Registration Fee
CFDA (Administrative) Registration Fee
Establishment and imposing commencement as of May 27th, 2015
항목분류에 따른 중국산 제품, 수입산 제품의 CFDA 행정 등록비
Item Classification |
Chinese Product |
Imported Product |
Second Rate |
Initial Registration |
Independently established by region(省) (regional price, Ministry of Finance) |
RMB 210,900 Yuan |
Modification of Registration |
Independently established by region(省) (regional price, Ministry of Finance) |
RMB 42,000 Yuan |
Registration Extension (every 5 years) |
Independently established by region(省) (regional price, Ministry of Finance) |
RMB 40,800 Yuan |
Third Rate |
Initial Registration |
153,600 Yuan |
RMB 308,800 Yuan |
Modification of Registration |
RMB 50,400 Yuan |
Registration Extension (every 5 years) |
RMB 40,800 Yuan |
Clinical Test Evaluation Ratification (High-risk medical device) |
RMB 43,200 Yuan |
Service details
※ Includes Invitro Diagnostic (IVD) Product Registration
서비스 분류에 따른 내용, 비고
Classification |
Detail |
Note |
Confirmation of Classification |
Professional Decision of Classification |
Decision based on Medical Device Regulations |
Official Decision of China Food and Drug Examination Laboratory (affiliation of CFDA) - request delegation |
New technology, multifunctional complex products, etc. |
Legal Representative |
Act as a legal representative |
During initial registration period |
Initial Registration |
In charge of all registration delegation |
Establish plan/measures, technical translation, compose necessary documents, perform local test requests, solve problems |
Extended Registration |
Delegate to extend registration before expiry date |
Initial registration validation duration (5 years) |
Registration Modification |
Delegate for modification of registration |
Name of registrant/elegate, address, etc. |
Delegate for modification of approval |
Product name, required technique, specification, original address, etc. |
Reissuance of Registration Certificate |
Delegate for reissuing the registration certificate |
Reissuance due to the loss of original certificate, etc. |
Miscellaneous |
Market research, problem solving |
Market regulation, case of same product registration, etc. |
Supervisor Contact Information
Shanghai 문의처 - Name, Tel, Ext, E-mail
Name |
Ext |
E-mail |
Jiyoung Kim |
(86) 021 56420122 |
803 |
kjy@ktr.or.kr |
Wang Ting |
816 |
wangting@ktr.or.kr |
Zhang Jing |
812 |
zhangjing@ktr.or.kr |
Yu Siaojing |
815 |
yuxiaojing@ktr.or.kr |
Qingdao 문의처 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name |
E-mail |
Ji yoon gyu |
86-(0)532-6895-7747 |
jiyoongyu@ktr.or.kr |
Lv cui cui |
86-(0)532-6895-7747 |
lvcuicui@ktr.or.kr |
Zhang wei wei |
86-(0)532-6895-7748 |
zww@ktr.or.kr |
Yuan lei lei |
86-(0)532-6895-7747 |
yuanleilei@ktr.or.kr |
Shenzhen 문의처 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name |
E-mail |
Park min woo |
86-(0)755-8321-8491 |
parkmw@ktr.or.kr |
Chen li |
86-(0)755-2391-9859 |
li.chen@ktr.or.kr |
Chen xun er |
86-(0)755-8321-8491 |
chenxuner@ktr.or.kr |
China CCC Approval
Mandatory certification (CCC)
CCC is a mandatory certification program to approve of the safety and quality of all products distributed and imported in China according to the Chinese national standards.
Application Process

- 1. Application and Registration
- 2. Type Test
- 3. Factory Evaluation
- 4. Evaluation Test and Issue
- 5. Apply for CCC Mark
- 6. Post-inspection
KTR Service
- 1. CCC Registration Delegate and Consulting
- 2. Range: power cord, components, household devices, information/communication/office devices, lighting devices, toys, burglar alarm products
Supervisor Contact Information
Shanghai 문의처 - Name, Tel, Ext, E-mail
Name |
Ext |
E-mail |
AN Yoo Yeong |
(86) 021 56420122 |
807 |
markan@ktr.or.kr |
Li cheng |
806 |
carrie@ktr.or.kr |
Piao long ri |
804 |
longripiao@ktr.or.kr |
Qingdao 문의처 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name |
E-mail |
Ji yoon gyu |
86-(0)532-6895-7747 |
jiyoongyu@ktr.or.kr |
Lv cui cui |
86-(0)532-6895-7747 |
lvcuicui@ktr.or.kr |
Zhang wei wei |
86-(0)532-6895-7748 |
zww@ktr.or.kr |
Yuan lei lei |
86-(0)532-6895-7747 |
yuanleilei@ktr.or.kr |
Shenzhen 문의처 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name |
E-mail |
Park min woo |
86-(0)755-8321-8491 |
parkmw@ktr.or.kr |
Chen li |
86-(0)755-2391-9859 |
li.chen@ktr.or.kr |
Chen xun er |
86-(0)755-8321-8491 |
chenxuner@ktr.or.kr |
GB national standard is applied to all industrial products in China, and in order to export to China, the product must prove its suitability with the GB standard.
There are around 33,000 GBs in China, and in case there is no standard for the exporting product, the product must comply with the industrial standards or local standards.
If it is inapplicable to the industrial or local standards, then it must prove its safety and performance with corporate standards, after it is developed, evaluated, and registered.
Chinese labels are required for products exporting to China, and the labels must declare the standard of which the product is applied, as well as the requirements of the standard.
Chinese standard testing should be done through the Chinese government approved institution CNAS CMA*.
Similar to Korean KOLAS testing institute
Supervisor Contact Information
For questions and estimates, please contact:
Shanghai 문의처 - Name, Tel, Ext, E-mail
Name |
Ext |
E-mail |
Jun Ho LEE |
(86) 021 56420122 |
805 |
junho78@ktr.or.kr |
Zhenli Zhao |
805 |
zhenli@ktr.or.kr |
Qingdao 문의처 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name |
E-mail |
Ji yoon gyu |
86-(0)532-6895-7747 |
jiyoongyu@ktr.or.kr |
Lv cui cui |
86-(0)532-6895-7747 |
lvcuicui@ktr.or.kr |
Zhang wei wei |
86-(0)532-6895-7748 |
zww@ktr.or.kr |
Yuan lei lei |
86-(0)532-6895-7747 |
yuanleilei@ktr.or.kr |
Shenzhen 문의처 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name |
E-mail |
Park min woo |
86-(0)755-8321-8491 |
parkmw@ktr.or.kr |
Chen li |
86-(0)755-2391-9859 |
li.chen@ktr.or.kr |
Chen xun er |
86-(0)755-8321-8491 |
chenxuner@ktr.or.kr |
According to the People's Republic of China Food Safety Law of 2015, Import and Export Products Regulatory Law and its implementations, importing prepackaged food products must comply with inspection quarantine such as China National Standards and China National Sanitation Standards; Chinese label must comply with Prepackaged Food Labeling Principles (GB7718-2011), Prepackaged Food Nutrition Labeling Principles (GB28050-2011), Prepackaged Special Food Labeling Principles (GB13432-2013), and other Chinese related laws and administrative regulations.
According to the People's Republic of China Food Safety Law of 2015 and the Sanitary Food Administrative Measures, sanitary food exported to China must acquire registration permit by registering to China Food and Drug Administration
KTR Shanghai offers a one-stop support service of food export to China, based on its long-term cooperation with various food import and export institutions CIQ (Customs, Immigration and Quarantine), CFDA approved test institutions, China government operated certification test institution, law firms, major regional import, export and customs agencies, and import and export product region.
Service offered:
1. Prior Review Service (technical and legal support)
- - Product category (regular food, sanitary food, or functional food)
- - Review of suitability for regular food mixture and sanitary standards in accordance with Chinese food related law and standards
- - Prior review of suitability for sanitary food registration in terms of sanitary food mixture, production progress, quality standard, development basis, etc.
2. China Food Export Review Service (mixture, label, customs, inspection)
- - Mixture review, analysis of inspection sanitary standard
- - Registration of overseas company in Chinese AQSIQ system
- - Perform nutrition tests (if necessary), Chinese label design and registration (upon exportation)
- - Issue Consulting Report on food exportation to China
3. Registration delegation of sanitary food with CFDA
- - Prior review of suitability for sanitary food registration in terms of mixture, production progress, quality standard, development basis, etc.
- - Document preparation, translation, administer testing (hygiene, stability, functional elements testing, safety testing, function verification test, physical test) with KTR affiliated testing institution (CFDA approved institution), Document preparation, CFDA registration application, CFDA administrative and technical evaluation, retest
- - CFDA final approval evaluation, additional documents (immediate solution of a problem, through cooperation with CFDA evaluation professional), issue registration license
4. Trademark Registration
- - Trademark registration, establish Chinese office, legal service such as a trademark dispute
Supervisor Contact Information
Shanghai 문의처 - Name, Tel, Ext, E-mail
Name |
Ext |
E-mail |
(86) 021 56420122 |
811 |
aiwang.asia@ktr.or.kr |
Huang wen xu |
814 |
huangwx@ktr.or.kr |
Qingdao 문의처 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name |
E-mail |
Ji yoon gyu |
86-(0)532-6895-7747 |
jiyoongyu@ktr.or.kr |
Lv cui cui |
86-(0)532-6895-7747 |
lvcuicui@ktr.or.kr |
Zhang wei wei |
86-(0)532-6895-7748 |
zww@ktr.or.kr |
Yuan lei lei |
86-(0)532-6895-7747 |
yuanleilei@ktr.or.kr |
Shenzhen 문의처 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name |
E-mail |
Park min woo |
86-(0)755-8321-8491 |
parkmw@ktr.or.kr |
Chen li |
86-(0)755-2391-9859 |
li.chen@ktr.or.kr |
Chen xun er |
86-(0)755-8321-8491 |
chenxuner@ktr.or.kr |
Point of contact
담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name |
Position |
Task |
Tel |
E-mail |
Park Jinjae |
Manager |
KC, CB, CCC, CE etc Global Certificate |
+82-2-2164-1479 |
jjpark@ktr.or.kr |