

서브 비주얼

Approval Certificate for Overseas Greenhouse gas

Verification on overseas greenhouse gas

CDM validation and verification

UNFCC(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) 마크

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC)

KTR is global validity and verification certification organization approved by UN.

KTR was approved as CDM operational organization (DOE) at UN’s executive committee 66th meeting at March, 2012. KTR is carrying out validity and verification task based on fairness and reliability.

KTR is organization with affluent human resource with many experience in data analysis based on accumulated know-how on test and certification conformity.

Outline for CDM business

It is a type of emission trading carried out under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Kyoto protocol, system that allows project unit greenhouse gas reduction performance to use during trade as emission (Kyoto protoco article 12).

But, place where business is going on is Non-Annex I country, not country that must reduce greenhouse gases in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Reduction performance in greenhouse gas through CDM business is issued at CERs (Certified Emission Reductions) unit from UN to researcher in CDM business.

CERs has created carbon market trading between Annex I country who holds greenhouse gas reduction duty. To support, ones need to get validation and verification from CDM operational organization like KTR.

CDM 사업 매카니즘에 대한 도식표 확대

CDM사업 매카니즘에 대한 도식 설명이 들어갑니다. CDM사업 매카니즘에 대한 도식 설명이 들어갑니다. CDM사업 매카니즘에 대한 도식 설명이 들어갑니다.

※ 공동이행제도(JI) : 선진국간에 온실가스 감축 사업을 공통으로 수행하는 것을 인정하는 제도.

※ 배출권거래 (ET) : 선진국간에 온실가스 의무감축량을 초과 또는 미달하였을 경우, 서로 거래할 수 있도록 허용하는 제도.

Purpose of CDM business

Helping consistent development of developing country and at the same time contribute to reducing cost of Annex I nation’s greenhouse gas reduction duty efficiently to accomplish goals of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to prevent global warming (Kyoto protocol article 12 paragraph 2).

So through CDM business Annex I country can find and perform business to reduce greenhouse gases at lower price that Non-Annex I country. As a result reduction of greenhouse gas can be recognized as reduction performance and Non-Annex I country can get capital from developed country or transfer of technology, contributing to sustainable development.

Procedure of CDM business

CDM 사업의 절차도 확대

  1. Project Design : Project Design document, Approved emissions baseline and monitoring methodlogy, Crediting period, Project period, The Calculation of emission, reduction, opinion from the interest parties - 사업개요 베이스 라인 방법론, 사업기간 / CER 발행 기간, 모니터링 방법론 및 계획, 온실가스 배출량 계산, 환경영향, 이해관계자 의견.
  2. National Approval : A statement that the ptoposed CDM project activity Contributes to sustainable development, The Designatured National Authority(DNA) of a Party involved in a proposed CDM project activity shall submit LoA - 사업이 지속가능한 발전에 이바지 한다는 정부의 확인서
  3. Registration : Project design document review, Submit the validation Report to CDM EB with request for registration by DOE - 사업 PDD검토, 타당성 확인 보고서 제출
  4. Monitoring : Monitoring actual emmisions, according to approved methodology, Submit the verification Report to DOE - 모니터링계획 수행(참가자), OE에 모니터링 보고서 제출
  5. Verification & Certification : Verification that emission reductions took place, according to approved monitoring plan by DOE, Written certification that during the specified period, the project activity achieved the emission reductions as verified. - 행정적인 진단 절차 수립, 모니터링 증거 자료 운영검토, 회계감사, 확인시의 가정 타당여부 증명등 수행, EB에 검증 보고서 제출
  6. CERs issuance : Submits verification report with request for issuance to CDM EB by DOE, Registration on CDM EB registry. - 검증 보고서에 근거하여 CER 요청, EB에 CDM레지스트리에 등록

KTR 인증심사 수행 분야 확대

심사수행분야(UNFCCC 분류코드) : KTR에서는 산업 전반에 걸쳐 심사가 가능합니다.

  • 에너지분야 : 에너지산업 (신재생/비신재생 에너지)
  • 제조산업
  • 화학산업
  • 폐기물 산업 : 폐기물 처리 및 폐기
  • F가스 탈루성 배출 : 할로겐, 옥불화항 생산 및 소비에 따른 탈루성 배출

Question & Answer

Inquiry on CDM / Inquiry for evaluation / Register for inconvenience through ‘customer service > Q&A’ board .

Use Q&A board

Procedures for complaints and appeals handling

Any complaint, appeal and dispute will be handled in a confidential (except where information disclosure is necessary to allow the dequate investigation of the claim) and non-discriminatory manner.

Scope of Application

This procedure applies to dealing with complaints, appeals and disputes that are raised by CDM project activities/programme of ctivities, the CDM Executive Board, relevant ministry and other stakeholders in relation to validation/verification & certification services and other decisions.

Definition of Terms

  • - Complaints : Formal expression of dissatisfaction, made verbally, electronically or in writing, regarding the performance of a DOE or its outsourced entities in relation to its validation or verification/certification functions, from any source, such as clients, project participants, the general public or its representatives, government bodies, non-governmental organization, etc.
  • - Appeals: Request made by a client for a formal review of a decision taken by a DOE in respect of its validation and/or verification/certification activities.
  • - Disputes: Disagreement between a DOE and its client regarding the DOE’s recommendation and/or opinions/decision made at various stage in the course of its validation and/or verification/certification activities.

Handling Procedures & Appeals 확대

Registration of Complaints, Appeals and Disputes
Download and fill out the form 'Complaints and Appeals Registration.'
Then, submit the form via e-mail. (cdm_doe@ktr.ok.kr)

Complaints & Appeals Registration Complaints & Appeals(Korean Version)

List of Project Activities

CDM 사업 목록의 사업 번호, 사업명, 타당성/검증, 현황의 정보
UN Project
Title Validation/
0349 Sihwa Tidal Power Plant CDM Project(1st) Verification for
1st monitoring
3529 Sichuan Miyi Chengnan 15MW Hydropower Project(3rd) Verification for
3rd monitoring
9826 Biogas Recovery in Siak Validation Completed
3rd monitoring
0835 Switching of fuel from Low Sulphur Waxy Residue fuel oil to natural gas at Gangnam branch Korea
District Heating Corporation Project(3rd)
Verification for
3rd monitoring
9260 The Program to introduce renewable energy system into Seoul CPA inclusion Completed
7534 Korea South-East Power Co. Renewable Energy Bundling Project(1st) Verification for
1st monitoring
0788 The Samchonpo Thermal Power Plant and Younghung Thermal Power plant
small scale hydroelectric power plants construction project
Verification for
3rd monitoring
6983 Korea South-East Power Co. Yeongheung Wind Farm Project 22MW Verification for
1st monitoring
0835 Switching of fuel from Low Sulphur Waxy Residue fuel oil to natural gas at Gangnam branch Korea
District Heating Corporation Project(4th)
Verification for
4th monitoring
4th monitoring
0222 Gangwon Wind park Project(9th) Verification for
9th monitoring
5th monitoring
0290 Youngduk Wind Park Project(9th) Verification for
9th monitoring
3333 Samsung Electronics SF6 abatement project(2nd) Verification for
2nd monitoring
0835 Switching of fuel from Low Sulphur Waxy Residue fuel oil to natural gas at Gangnam
branch Korea District Heating Corporation Project(3rd)
Verification for
5th monitoring
0222 Gangwon Wind Park Project(10th) Verification for
10th monitoring
9247 Programme of Activities to introduce renewable energy system into collective housing Validation Completed
3440 Project of Usse Abatement Device to Reduce SF6 emissions in LCD
Manufacturing Operations in the Republic of Korea(South Korea)
Verification for
9th monitoring
0222 Gangwon Wind Park Project Verification for
11th monitoring
7140 K-water hydropower VI Verification for
1st monitoring
7207 K-water hydropower Ⅶ Verification for
1st monitoring
7273 K-water hydropower Ⅷ Verification for
1st monitoring
7326 K-water hydropower Ⅸ Verification for
1st monitoring
0851 Daegu Bangcheon-Ri Landfill Gas CDM Project Verification for
5th monitoring
9705 Programme of Activities for Small Scale Hydropower CDM in Sri Lanka Validation Completed
0349 Sihwa Tidal Power Plant CDM Project Verification for
11th monitoring
0290 Youngduk Wind Park Poject Verification for
3rd monitoring
5153 KDHC Daegu Biomass Cogeneration Project Verification for
2nd monitoring
0851 Daegu Bangcheon-Ri Landfill Gas CDM Project(6th) Verification for
6th monitoring
2302 Taegisan Wind Power Project(5th)/01.2/ Verification for
5th monitoring
0851 Daegu Bangcheon-Ri Landfill Gas CDM Project PRC Completed
9705 1.77MW Hapugahakumbura Walawa Mini Hydro Power Project CPA Inclusion Completed
9705 3.0MW Galabodawatta Mini Hydro Power Project CPA Inclusion Completed
10014 Inclusion of CPA
(The project to improve energy independence
through the increase of anaerobic digester efficiency
at Wonju public sewage treatment plant)
in the program to improve energy independence of public sewerage system
CPA Inclusion Completed
0851 Daegu Bangcheon-Ri Landfill Gas CDM Project 7th Verification Completed
10501 LFG power plant in Changwon Validation Completed
0349 Sihwa Tidal Power Plant CDM Project 13th Verification Completed
0835 Switching of fuel from Low Sulphur Waxy Residue
fuel oil natural gas at Gangnam branch Korea
District Heating Corporation Project(7th)
7th Verification Completed
2302 Taegisan Wind Power Project(6th) 6th Verification Completed
10546 Santa Rosa  PV CDM Project Validation Completed
10549 Rinconada PV CDM Project Validation Completed
10548 Quinta PV CDM Project Validation Completed
10550 San Vicente PV CDM Project Validation Completed
9705 1.12MW Denipalle Oya Mini Hydro Power Project CPA Inclusion Completed
9705 Programme of Activities for Small Scale Hydropower CDM in Sri Lanka Renewal of Crediting Period/Validation Completed
9705 1.12MW Ranwala Oya Mini Hydro Power Project CPA Inclusion Completed
0851 Daegu Bangcheon-Ri Landfill Gas CDM Project 8th Verification Completed
4294 Gwangju metropolitan city sanitary landfill LFG power plant CDM project 6th Verification Completed
10655 Gangneoung landfill gas recovery and flaring project Validation Completed
10676 Sol de Septiembre PV CDM Project Validation Completed
0922 Catalytic N2O Abatement Project in the Tail Gas of the Nitric Acid Plant of the Hanwha Corporation (HWC) in Ulsan, Republic of Korea Validation Completed
10648 Mandalay Kyar Ni Kan Landfill Methane Recovery Project Validation Completed
10651 Mandalay Thaung Inn Myauk Inn Landfill Methane Recovery Project Validation Completed
0851 Daegu Bangcheon-Ri Landfill Gas CDM Project 9th Verification Completed
- Hiep Thanh Wind Power Plant Validation Ongoing
2302 Taegisan Wind Park Project 7th Verification Completed
0290 Youngduk Wind Park Project 12th Verification Complete
10546 Santa Rosa PV CDM Project 1st Verification Complete
10549 Rinconada PV CDM Project 1st Verification Complete
10548 Quinta PV CDM Project 1st Verification Complete
0290 Youngduk Wind Park Project 13th Verification Complete
0851 Daegu Bangcheon-Ri Landfill Gas CDM Project 10th Verification Complete
10732 Chile Guadalupe 6.6MW PV CDM Project Validation Complete
10690 102MW Gulpur Hydropower Plant 1st Verification Complete
10542 8.6MW PV Bundling CDM Project 2nd Verification Ongoing
10544 12MW PV Bundling CDM Project 2nd Verification Ongoing
10545 Los Andes PV CDM Project 1st Verification Ongoing

Point of contact

  • Climate Change Action Team
담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Classification Task Technical Area
LEE Jeongil Auditor Greenhouse gas and CDM business,
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Technology R & D
1.2, 13.1, 13.2
JUNG Kyuhong Lead auditor CDM and Greenhouse Gas Verification, Government task,
discovery of new businesses, certification of water footprint
1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 4.1, 13.1
LEE Bonjae Lead auditor CDM and Greenhouse Gas Verification, Government task,
Carbon / Water Footprint Certification
1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 4.1, 13.1
CHOI Jiseon Lead auditor CDM and Greenhouse Gas Verification, Government task, certification of water footprint 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 13.1, 13.2
PARK Hyemi Auditor CDM and Greenhouse Gas Verification, Government task, certification of water footprint 1.2, 13.1
KIM Jonghoon Auditor CDM, Government task 1.2, 11.1, 11.2, 13.1
LEE Yukyung Auditor CDM, Government task 1.2, 13.1
SHIN Woochul External auditor CDM 1.2, 5.1, 5.2, 10.1, 11.1, 11.2, 13.1
KIM Kyungmun Technical expert CDM 5.1, 5.2

Contact Email: cdm_doe@ktr.or.kr
Phone: +82-2164-1458