

서브 비주얼

Government R&D Voucher Program

Project Introduction

Utilization of KTR's *R&D service with voucher and corporate oriented R&D support

* R&D service : consignment R&D expenses, research facility/equipment expenses from research equipment/material costs, or experts operation/R&D service fees from research expenses (testing/examination fees)

바우처 사업 순서 및 관계도 확대

  1. 1. 사업신청 : 수요기업→관리기관
  2. 2. 바우처지급 : 관리기관→수요기업
  3. 3. 연구수행 요청 (바우처 사용) : 수요기업→공급기관
  4. 4. 연구결과 제공 : 공급기관→수요기업
  5. 5. 지급 청구 : 공급기업→관리기관, 수요기업→관리기관
  6. 6. 바우처 비용 청구 : 관리기업→공급기관

Operation system and its role

바우처 종류 및 상세내용
Managing institution participating small and medium businesses
☞ using/registering voucher
Specialized organization MOTIE, Small and Medium Business Administration, and other responsible agencies
☞ Provision of voucher, handling of the expenses, suppliers' pool for the voucher usage
Suppliers Non-profit organization (KTR) ☞ Providing R&D services (consignment research, testing/analysis, etc.) to corporates

Types of voucher

바우처 종류 및 상세내용
R&D voucher

Supporting testing/examination fees, equipment usage fees, and expert utilization fees

* Conducting supports for cooperative utilization of research facility, technology development for the new businesses growth, and exporting technology development

Exportation voucher

The wall between the MOTIE and Small and medium business administration for the provision of integrated voucher for corporates to free select supporting services

* Supporting exportation preparation infrastructure, exportation capacity strengthening training, etc.