

서브 비주얼

Approval Certificate for Domestic Greenhouse gas

공평성 및 이해상충 방지 선언서 확대

품질방침 선언서 확대

Domestic greenhouse gas verification

KTR provides verification service on plan, dispose of waste, building, manufacturer, etc., and various field after designated as the third verification organization on ‘greenhouse gas energy management system’ and ‘emission trading’ with capabilities to carry out test and certification by the Ministry of Environment. Based on affluent verification experience, to enhance consistent improvement in verification quality and systematized verification, methodology on estimation and reduction technology research is consistently carried out.

Outline for greenhouse gas emission trading

Government allocates allowed greenhouse gas emission to company and within this range, it is system that one must reduce greenhouse gas emission and control production. If emission is lower that allocated, remaining amount can be sold to other firm. If emission is higher than allocated, one must purchase amount it need from other company. It is cost-effective system to carry out reduction in greenhouse gas emission.

Outline for greenhouse gas and energy management system

According to Act on Low carbon Green growth, goals on greenhouse gas emission and energy use are decided and controlled by management firm and government. It is system that manage and verify performance and through incentive and penalty, we aim to manage our goals efficiently and systematically.

Domestic greenhouse gases vertification

[KTR] 검증개요 파악 → 검증계획 수립 → 문서 검토 → 현장 검증 → 검증 결과 정리 및 평가 → 검증보고서 제출 확대

Source : Ministry of Strategy and Finance notifcation 2017-12 edition, [Asterisk] Verification procedure on greenhous gas emission

KTR service

  • - Greenhouse gas·Energy management system receipt verification
  • - Greenhouse gas emission trading receipt/Verification on monitoring plan
  • - Greenhouse gas·Energy management system early reduction verification
  • - Greenhouse gas·Energy management system external reduction verification
  • - Greenhouse gas emission trading inner reduction performance verification
  • - Informtation service on domestic greenhouse gas

Complaint and objection

불만 및 이의제기의 구분, 불만제기자에 통보기한, 시정조치의 시행기한, 불만제기자에 결과통보 기한
Classification Notification to complainer Carry out corrective measure/ Notification of result to complainer
Minor complaint Within 6 days from receitp date (Based on working day) Within 30 days from notification (Based on working day) Within 6 days from approved date (Based on working day)
Major complaint Within 6 days from receitp date (Based on working day) Within 30 days from notification (Based on working day) Within 6 days from approved date (Based on working day)
Objection Within 6 days from receitp date (Based on working day) Within 30 days from the day special committee call up (Based on working day) Within 6 days from approved date (Based on working day)