

서브 비주얼

Material evaluation

Main business

Hazardous substances열림/닫힘
Nano material열림/닫힘
Instrument analysis열림/닫힘

Measurement principle of ICP

Measurement principle of ICP 확대

Diagram of ICP emission analyzer

Diagram of ICP emission analyzer 확대

ICP type according to detector

PMT(Photo Multipier tube)

PMT(Photo Multipier tube) 확대

Place the photomultiplier tube just behind the exit slit of the spectrometer to detect the optical signal. After the photoelectric conversion, the intensity of the optical signal is measured. A standard photomultiplier tube is arranged with nine stages of dynodes, with a resistance between them, so that they have a slight difference in voltage.

The electrons generated from the negative pole of the photoelectricity by the collision of the photons are propagated one by one by the die node which can easily emit secondary electrons. Finally, they are collected on the two poles of the end.

CTD(Charge Transfer Detector)

CTD(Charge Transfer Detector) 확대

  • - Detector with a solid state type. Area detection method that measures the radiation irradiated to a certain area.
  • - Simultaneous analysis detector that detects all wavelengths simultaneously.
  • - It can scan in 3 dimensions and has a ‘finger print’ function.
  • - The voltage across the photomultiplier is 500-1000V, and photoelectrons are multiplied by 106 times.
  • - Type
    • · CID(Charge Injection Device) - XDL, XUV
    • · CCD(Charge Coupled Device)
    • · SCD(Segment Coupled Device)

ICP classification according to detection method

ICP classification according to detection method 확대

In general, ICP is divided into three types according to the detection method.

There is radial viewing, a classic approach. Then there is axial viewing which is currently used. We also have dual viewing that optimizes the advantages of these two methods.

ICP classification according to detection method
  Radial viewing Axial viewing
  • - For alkali-metal analysis: Low ionization effect
  • - Suitable for organic solvent samples and complex matrix samples
  • - Uses Low power / Low flow plasma : Low Ar consumption
  • - High sensitivity (2-10 times)
  • - Low base value, improved accuracy and low detection limit
  • - Suitable for samples with simple matrix
  • - Low sensitivity
  • - High base value
  • - Ionization effect
  • - High consumption of Ar