

서브 비주얼

Inspection onProcurement Special Organization

Medical Appliances

System of inspection of Procured goods by specialized agency

It is a system which make sure procured good purchased and supplied by procurement agency is inspected by specialized agency. Our research institute has been designated as specialized inspection agency (National Authorized Inspection Agency) with certain qualification by procurement agency. Inspection on delivered goods are conducted through procedure determined by relevant regulation determined at delivery site or manufacturing factory to make sure appropriate goods are delivered only.

Legal Basis

「Government Procurement Act 」 According to article 3 of 3 and article 7, procured goods are inspected on consignment basis.

Composition of inspection fee and imposing standard

검사수수료의 구분에 따른 부과기준 및 관련규정
Classification Imposing standard Relevant regulation
Basic rate Actual expense for examination, registration for examination application, consideration, supporting human resource, issuing a test report 『Regulation ]of specialized agency inspection duty on procured goods』 article 34
Personnel expenses for inspector Wage for advanced technician in industrial factory field Standard Cost for Engineering Business (1day basis)
Fee for business trip Application of expenses as significant as that of 5th grade public official's expenses according to 「Regulation on expenses for public official」
Examination fee Application of rate for examination fee on test item(by item) (fee determined by 20% discount of commission fee addressed by leader of specialized inspection agency by itself)