

서브 비주얼

MFDS Regulation Compliance Training Course

MFDS Regulation Compliance Training Course

Followed by the establishment of the Food and Drug Examination and Inspection Act, KTR is designated to provide mandatory trainings on food and drug examination and inspection personnel, managers, and quality assurance personnel.

Course Registration

교육신청 확대
  • KTR 교육 아카데미 홈페이지 (http://www.ktr.or.kr/edu)
  • 온라인 교육신청
  • 해당 교육 선택 후 수강신청


Course Testing Personnel of testing facility, quality assurance manager, auditor, etc.
(Common fields including food/livestock/drugs/cosmetics/medical devices etc.)
No. of Students Opening for 20-40 students (In order of application)
Location KTR Gwacheon (Headquarter)


Courses Courses Fees
Quality Management Standards - Practical Operation KRW 400,000
Quality Management Standards - Internal Audit
Quality Management Standards - Measurement Uncertainty
Quality Management Standards - Correction (Measurement Uncertainty) KRW 150,000
Quality Management Standards - Correction (Securing Traceability)
Quality Management Standards - Correction (Eluate Test during Medical Device Test, Sterility Test, Cytotoxicity Test)
Quality Management Standards - Correction (Analysis of Phthalate in Cosmetic Products)