

서브 비주얼

S Mark

S mark


Certification mark has been certified from KAS( Korea Accreditation System) and it is a certification system implemented to protect consumers from danger and to improve of quality of product due to diversification of product.

Interested field and item

  • - Sterilizing product
  • - antimicrobial product/low toxic products
  • - non-stimulative prodcut
  • - Preservative-free product
  • - deodorization product
  • - Sludge free product
  • - Indoor air product
  • - Toxic materials reduced product
  • - Other functional product

Work procedure

S마크 업무처리절차 확대

공정심사 합격시

  1. 시료체취
  2. 제품시험
  3. 심의회

상담(적합성 검토)

  1. 전문위원회 심의
  2. 기준제정
  3. 신청서 접수(양식 Download 링크 있음)
  4. 공장심사(양식 Download 링크 있음)

공장심사 불합격시

  1. 불합격 통보
  2. 개선(조치)
Registering Application Factory examination