S Mark
S mark
Certification mark has been certified from KAS( Korea Accreditation System) and it is a certification system implemented to protect consumers from danger and to improve of quality of product due to diversification of product.
Interested field and item
- - Sterilizing product
- - antimicrobial product/low toxic products
- - non-stimulative prodcut
- - Preservative-free product
- - deodorization product
- - Sludge free product
- - Indoor air product
- - Toxic materials reduced product
- - Other functional product
Work procedure

공정심사 합격시
- 시료체취
- 제품시험
- 심의회
상담(적합성 검토)
- 전문위원회 심의
- 기준제정
- 신청서 접수(양식 Download 링크 있음)
- 공장심사(양식 Download 링크 있음)
공장심사 불합격시
- 불합격 통보
- 개선(조치)