

서브 비주얼

Chemical Substance

KTR generates the Chemical Safety Report for the registration of chemical substances and data on hazards information of chemical substances, having GLP laboratories. KTR has numerous toxicity experts.

Act on Registration, Evaluation, Etc. of Chemicals

Article 10 (Registration of Chemical Substances)

① Any person who intends to manufacture or import a new chemical substance or at least one ton per year of an existing chemical substance subject to registration shall apply for registration of the chemical substance before he/she manufactures or imports.

Article 14 (Data to be Submitted When Applying for Registration of Chemical Substances)

① Any person who intends to apply for registration pursuant to Article 10 (3) shall submit data on the following matters as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.

7. Risks of the chemical substance, including an exposure scenario describing operational methods, exposure controls, and management measures during its life-cycle

Article 24 (Risk Assessment)

① The Minister of Environment shall conduct a risk assessment of a chemical substance falling under any of the following among chemical substances registered pursuant to Article 10 based on the results of review of hazards, and notify a registrant of the results thereof as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.

Principles on Generation of Risk Assessment

  • - The data on risk should be generated through the assessment of which risks occurring from manufactured and imported chemical substances are safely controlled in a proper method in the process of use or manufacture.
  • - Risk Assessment should be generated considering all life-cycle of chemical substances in accordance with all purposes of chemical substances including chemical uses confirmed by downstream users and manufacturers.
  • - The data on risk should be generated through the comparison between the exposure level of environment and the one of human, which are rationally to be expected or already known, in consideration of potential hazards, recommended risk management means, handling conditions, etc.

Risk Assessment Service

  • - Hazard Assessment : Persistency, Accumulativeness, Toxicity Evaluation, Dose-Response Evaluation
  • - Exposure Assessment : Development of Exposure Scenario, Induce Expected Exposure Dosage
  • - Determination of Risk Level, Suggestion of Risk Management/Control Measures, Delivery of the Information on Safe Use

위해성 평가 서비스 확대


    • - 환경유해성 (거동)
    • - 환경유해성 (생태)
    • - 인체유해성
    • - 잔류성, 축적성 평가
  • 노출 평가

    • - 노출시나리오 개발
    • - 노출량 확인 또는 예측
    • - 위해도 저감대책 마련
  • 위해성 평가

    • - 위해도 결정
    • - 위해성 관리 및 통제
    • - 위해성 전달