

서브 비주얼

Cooperation Organization for Standards Development (COSD)

Project Introduction

COSD (Co-operation Organization for Standards Development)

KTR is the standards developing institution assigned by the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards to develop/manage the KS.

한국화학융합시험연구원(KTR)의 산업표준개발 협력기관 지정서 확대

COSD's Role

  • 1. Standards demands survey, establishment of development inspection plans
  • 2. Operating technology committee for each area and standards special team
  • 3. Establishment/revision request for standards proposal and guidance
  • 4. Hosting the public hearings/briefing sessions to gather opinions of interested parties
  • 5. Preparation of revisions based on the noticed announcements

Current Standing

  • - 2009 Designated as COSD
  • - 2015 Renewed the title of COSD (until 2020)
  • - 2016 Designated as the representative of chemical ceramics industry
  • - 2017 Management of about 2,000 standards and maintaining about 700 standards (the most standards maintenance in Korea)