

서브 비주얼

Education & Training

Online Application for Corporate Education

KTR operates a separate website (www.ktr.or.kr/edu) that provides education/training
related tasks including introduction of training programs, applications for training,
and education/training history online

학생들이 교실에서 수업을 듣는 모습

Introduction of Education/Training Operation

KTR, designated as the 1st legal educational institution by KOLAS, operates varies education programs including MFDS legal compliance programs, courses on the acquisition process of international standards, and the consortium for the HRD Ability Magnified Program as the KOLAS qualified institution.

  • 1. KOLAS Legal Compliance Courses : KTR operates the obligatory KOLAS Legla Compliance Courses for the accreditation and operation of KOLAS qualified institutions
  • 2. MFDS Legal Compliances Programs: Followed by the establishment of the Food and Drug Examination and Inspection Act, KTR operates legal compliance training programs for the examination, inspection, and quality management institutions and their personnel
  • 3. Acquisition of International Standards Certification (Free) : KTR operates the general courses on the concepts and processes needed to be certified for international standards for the small and medium-sized businesses and advanced courses for the operators to promote more efficient work process
  • 4. Consortium for HRD Ability Magnified Program (Free) : KTR provides free training programs on the strategic utilization of standards and certificates for the enterprises to strengthen their competitiveness and information on the major certifications including children's products, electronics, and medical devices.

Courses Schedule - 2017

  • * All the courses are scheduled in day-time - lunch not included.
  • * Upon the completion of all courses - including free courses -, certificates are provided.
  • * For a visiting courses / camp training programs for more than 15 students, please contact us for more information

Contact Us

Tel : 1577-0091 (Ext #. 4)
Fax : +82 2-2634-0040

※ Please submit your course fees to the KTR online account when you verify the registration information three days before the beginning of your courses.