

서브 비주얼

Ability Performance Test

Function certification inspection

Certification inspection: Act that proves and verifies technology based product which is developed by small and medium entrepreneur has secured its function.

Function inspection

Inspecting its original function such as characteristic, use, and so on based on standard suggested by National organization or research institute (Field that cannot be inspected by Regional Small and Medium Business Administration sholud be condcuted in research institute and then send it back to Regional Small and Medium Business Administration).

Object item

Technology based product developed by small and medium entrepreneur that will be delivered (Product certified with new technology, patented product, product developed through technology innovation, and product from venture company etc. But,except for medicine, agricultural and marine products, gun, explosives, products related with gambling , non-processed food, food, and beverage.

Procedure to certify function

신청접수 → 지방중소기업청 → 자가진단 → 공장심사(지방중소기업청) → 성능검사(지방중소기업청, 시험연구원) → 성능인증종합평가 → 인증서발급(지방중소기업청) 확대