

서브 비주얼

General toxicity

This can be used to predict the toxic effects of newly developed substances and existing substances, by testing them on laboratory animals. So this is the most basic and main field of testing. It mainly evaluates the degree and nature of toxicity to pharmaceuticals, health functional foods, cosmetics, agricultural chemicals, industrial products and other environmental pollutants in accordance with GLP Guideline.

General Toxicity

General Toxicity Test

The general toxicity test is the most basic and essential toxicity test to predict the toxicity of new test substances in advance.
This provides basic toxicity information such as Approximate Lethal Dose (ALD), No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL), and Maximum Tolerated Dose Finding Study (MTD). This test is divided into a single (acute) dose toxicity test and a repeated dose (sub-acute and chronic) toxicity test, depending on the duration of the administration.

Field of testing

The general toxicity test is carried out using suitable laboratory animals according to domestic and international regulations (GLP, OECD Guideline, etc) for the toxicity evaluation of various substances such as medicines, cosmetics, health foods, chemicals and pesticides. The following toxicity tests are what we do.

Single dose toxicity test

This test assesses the acute effects in the body through general symptoms, weight changes, and autopsy findings in rats and mice and non-rodents (dogs, primates), and checks the approximate lethal dose. In addition, this test provides the most basic information for other tests, such as repeated dose toxicity testing.

Repeated dose toxicity test

In this test, the test substance is repeatedly administered to rodents (rat, mouse) and non-rodents (dogs, primates) for a certain period of time to evaluate general symptoms, weight changes, hematological and blood biochemical tests, urinalysis, electrocardiogram, autopsy, long-term weighing and histopathological examination. This is to assess toxicity by deriving harmless or non-toxic amounts, target organs and dose-toxicity response relationships.

Tested areas

  • - Single dose toxicity test : Oral, transdermal, intravenous, subcutaneous, intradermal, intracutaneous and peritoneal
  • - Repeated dose of peritoneal toxicity test : Oral, transdermal, intravenous, subcutaneous, intradermal, intracutaneous and peritoneal