

서브 비주얼

Cable energy storage device


The energy devices team is involved in high voltage devices of power and energy industry, fire performance, ESS(Energy storage system) and motor testing and evaluation, DC distribution in the power and energy industry and ESS standardization.

Agency designation and main specifications

- Test and certification agency of Korean Agency for Technology and Standards(KC) and Korean Standards Association(KS) in electric wire & cable

- ESS certification institute of the Korea Energy Agency for High-efficiency Appliance Certification

- Test and certification agency of Korean Battery Industry Association‘s ESS Battery and Korea Smart Grid Association’s ESS PCS

- Test institute for efficiency certification of pump and three-phase induction motor of the Korea Energy Management Corporation

Introduction of main task

Test & evaluation certification

Testing and evaluation of high-voltage cables and industrial special cables

Test and evaluation of cable‘s flame resistance and fireproof and combustion characteristics of materials

ESS PCS, Battery and ESS High-efficiency Appliance Certification test

  • High-voltage cableHigh-voltage cable

    • - AC / DC withstand voltage test
    • - Impulse withstand voltage test
    • - Partial discharge test
    • - Tan δ test
    • - Accelerated water tree test
    • - 500 ㎐ accelerated deterioration test
    • - HEATING CYCLE test
    • - Other electrical characteristics test
  • 화재성능Fire performance

    • - IEC 60332-3 Series
    • - VW-1 Flame test
    • - IEC 61034
    • - IEC 60031 Series
    • - ISO 4589 & ASTN 2863
    • - IEC 60754
    • - UL 94 Flammability test
    • - ASTM E 662
  • ESS 연계ESS linkage

    • - Insulation Resistance test
    • - Protection function test
    • - External accident test
    • - Environmental test
    • - General characteristics test
    • - Transient response characteristic test
    • - Electrical resistance test
  • Motor / pumpMotor / pump

    • - Efficiency material for a three-phase induction motor
    • - BLDC / BLAC motor test
    • - Motor service test
    • - Performance evaluation of motor control inverter
    • - Certification of high efficiency material for pump

Specialized task

Standardization and R&D of DC distribution and ESS

Inspection test for the collective standard of the Korea Electrical Manufacturers Cooperative

Constructs the infrastructure for the test and evaluation of power converters for energy fusion and demand management(emergency generation function)

BLDC motor design and service test

Test, evaluation and certification institute for high voltage/low voltage power and special cables

Test evaluation and certification support in reference to international standards such as IEC, EN, UL, MTL, etc.

Performance test and R&D on newly developed products

Test sites have been constructed to carry out internationally accredited certification tests for high-voltage/low-voltage power cables and special cables. Research and development tests on the accelerated life of cables are also conducted.

We conduct test and evaluation not only of existing low-voltage cable but also high-voltage and special cables, in the test room for high-voltage cable tests. Especially, we are the first in Korea to set up the system that evaluates and certifies the performance, reliability and safety of special cables.

Agency designation and main specifications

Test for KEPCO‘s high-voltage/low-voltage power cable and overhead wires

Certification for test and evaluation of KC, KS cables

International Standard(IEC, EN, JIS, AS (Australia)) Type Test

CE, JIS certification test

Test for industrial elevator cable, automobile wire, etc.

Specification of main equipments for high-voltage cable test

  • Lightning impulse tester

    Lightning impulse tester

    Lightning impulse tester
    Item specification
    Model SGA 1400 // Haefely
    Capacity 70 kJ
    Stage 14
    Test voltage Max. 1200 kV
    Shape 1.2㎲ / 50㎲
    Controller GC 223
    Analyzer Dias 733
  • AC voltage breakdown tester

    AC voltage breakdown tester

    AC voltage breakdown tester
    Item specification
    Model 7400-300//Hipotronics
    Capacity 300 kVA
    Test voltage Max. 400 kV
    Termination Water type
  • Partial discharge tester

    Partial discharge tester

    Partial discharge tester
    Item specification
    Model DDX 7000//Robinson
    Test voltage Max. 100 kV
    Termination Oil type
    Noise Below 1 pC
    Chamber size 5 Ⅹ 10 Ⅹ 10 m (W, D, H)
  • Tan δ tester

    Dielectric tangent tester

    Dielectric tangent tester
    Item specification
    Model 2840 // Tettex
    Capacity Min. 0.01 pF
    Test voltage Max. 100 kV
    Standard capacitor 100 kV / 100 pF
  • Accelerated water tree tester

    Accelerated water tree tester

    Accelerated water tree tester
    Item specification
    Model 60 KVA // Robinson
    Capacity 60 kVA
    Ampere Max. 3000 A
    Line 6 line
  • Heating cycle tester

    Heating cycle tester

    Heating cycle tester
    Item specification
    Model 15 KVA // Robinson
    Capacity 15 kVA
    Ampere Max. 3000 A
    Type Portable
  • Insulation resistance tester

    Insulation resistance tester

    Insulation resistance tester
    Item specification
    Model SM 8215 // TOA
    Test voltage DC 1000 V
    Capacity (0.05 ~ 2×1010) MΩ
  • DC withstand voltage tester

    DC withstand voltage tester

    DC withstand voltage tester
    Item specification
    Model 800 PL // Hipotronics
    Test voltage Max. 100 kV