

서브 비주얼

High efficiency energy material


What are high efficiency energy appliances?

The High efficiency energy appliances refer to those are complied with all quality test items as well as Energy efficiency levels tested by the designated test laboratories.

What is the certification system?

The certification system has been in force since December 1996 to actively promote eligible products that conform to Article 13 of the Rational Energy Utilization Act, including high efficiency induction motors.

Applicable regulations

  • - Article 13 of the Rational Energy Utilization Act (Promoted specific energy consumption appliances)
  • - MKE Notice NO. 2009-202(September 2, 2009) Regulations on High Efficiency Energy Devices & Materials Promoted Distribution

Extended certified articles

인증대상 품목 확대 관련고시, 확대시기, 품목수, 대상품목
Notices Effective date Articles Target items (extended)
MKE Notice NO. 1996-462
"Regulations on recommended use of high efficiency energy appliances"
1996. 12. 28 6 High efficiency induction motor, 26mm32W
florescent lamp, ballast, Self ballasted Lamp, High illumination reflector, and Automatic illumination control luminaries.
MKE Notice NO. 1998-63
"Regulations on recommended use of high efficiency energy appliances"
1998. 7. 7 2 Waste heat recovery & ventilation unit, airtight insulation windows & doors
MKE Notice NO. 1999-84
"Regulations on recommended use of high efficiency energy appliances"
1999. 8. 7 6 Power savers (for monitors), centrifugal freezers, high efficiency pumps, Uninterruptable power suppliers, industrial & building gas boilers for industrial & building use, gas boilers for household use
MKE Notice NO. 2000-103
"Regulations on recommended use of high efficiency energy appliances"
2000. 9. 28 5 Power transformers, vending machines, T-5 fluorescent lamps, Electronic ballasts for metal halide lamps, Electronic ballasts for sodium lamp.
MKE Notice NO. 2001-153
"Regulations on recommended use of high efficiency energy appliances"
2001. 12. 31 3 High efficiency inverters, automatic heating control valves, LED traffic lights.
MKE Notice NO. 2002-86
"Regulations on recommended use of high efficiency energy appliances"
2002. 9. 16 1 Complex functional switchgear system.
MKE Notice NO. 2003-28
"Regulations on recommended use of high efficiency energy appliances"
2003. 3. 12 5 Direct absorption cooling and heating of water machine, single phase induction motors, ventilators, centrifugal fans, 16mm fluorescent lamp ballasts
MKE Notice NO. 2004-6
"Regulations on recommended use of high efficiency energy appliances"
2004. 1. 20 3 Water pumps for aeration metal halide lamps, High luminous reflectance factors
Total 30 -

※ Power savers (for monitor use) are excluded as they are categorized into power saving appliances according to MKE Notice No. 2004-6

Certified specimen determination criteria

시료인증 판정 기준 - 구분, 시료수, 검사항목
Division Specim ens
26㎜32W Fluorescent lamp   10
26㎜32W Fluorescent lamp ballasts 10
ballasts Built-in lamp   15
Fluorescent lamp High illumination reflector   5
Illumination automation Automatic adjustable lighting fixture   5
Anti-blackout power units Uninterruptable Power supplies 1
Vending machines 2
16mm Fluorescent lamp 10
Sodium lamp stabilizers 10
electronic ballasts for metal halide lamp 10
LED traffic lights 3
Ventilators 3
16mm Fluorescent lamp 15
Metal halide lamps 5
High luminous reflectance factors for HID lamps 3
Testing item All items of Technical regulation each appliance

※ Notes

  • 1. Number of conforming specimens: There shall be absolutely no specimens found to be in non-conformities among tested ones.
  • 2. Tolerance: Items indicated in numerical figures shall be within a tolerance determined by Technical regulations per appliance.

Support policy and criteria

MKE Notice No. 2004-6 Regulations on Promotion High Efficiency Energy appliance Supply (January 20, 2004)

The Minister may recommend governmental agencies use high efficiency devices & materials.

Prime Minister’s Order No. 2004-1(February 2, 2004) Energy Saving Measures by Government Agency Directive

The high efficiency appliances are preferred to the government agencies.

Public Procurement Service Order No. 1148(May 31, 2001) Energy Consumption Products Purchase & Operation Criteria

⇒ High efficiency products are preferred for public procurement

When appropriate purchases are requested, the Service may recommend demanding the agency purchase those accredited as high efficiency devices & materials, highest efficiency rating products, or energy saving appliances reported for official or household use.

MLTM Notice NO. 2003-314(Jan. 7, 2003) Building Energy Saving Design Criteria

⇒ High efficiency products are preferred for public procurement

When appropriate purchases are requested, the Ministry may recommend demanding the agency purchase those accredited as high efficiency devices & materials, highest efficiency rating product, or energy saving appliances reported for official or household use

Mandatory energy saving plan submission for construction permit

  • 1. Apartment housing incorporating 50 units (except dormitories)
  • 2. Construction of 3,000 m2 or more floor area for a research center or office work, or for a similar purpose in terms of energy consumption properties and use
  • 3. Construction of 2,000 m2 or more floor area that is used for dormitory, hospital, or accommodation such as youth hostel, or for a similar purpose in terms of energy consumption properties and use
  • 4. Construction of 500m2 or more floor area for public bath, indoor swimming pool or spa or for a similar purpose in terms of energy consumption properties and use
  • 5. Construction of 3,000 m2 or more floor area for wholesale mart, retail market or store or for a similar purpose in terms of energy consumption properties and use, with centralized heating & cooling units equipped
  • 6. Construction of 10,000 m2 or more floor area for cultural activites, performances or rallys, exhibitions, or schools, with centralized air conditioning or heating units equipped

Financial support for high efficiency devices & materials

고효율 기자재에 대한 자금지원 순서 및 관계도 확대

Subsidy for production facilities: granted to manufactures building facilities that produce high efficiency devices & materials.

10 billion KRW or less (3 year deferment, 5year payment by installment, less than 100 % of funds required)

Application procedures

  • ① Application for recommendation
  • ② Notification of funding support
  • ③ Application for loan
  • ④ Application for lease
  • ⑤ Lease
  • ⑥ Granted loan effective from September 13, 2010
  1. 1. 신청인 → 공단 : 추천신청
  2. 2. 공단 → 신청인 : 자금추천 통보
  3. 3. 신청인 → 금융기관 : 대출신청
  4. 4. 금융기관 → 신청인 : 대여신청
  5. 5. 공단 → 금융기관 : 대여
  6. 6. 금융기관 → 공단 : 대출실행

Subsidies for establishments: granted to parties planing to build facilities intended for high efficiency devices & materials.

- 10 billion KRW or less (3 year deferment, 5year payment by installment, less than 100 % of funds required)

- Application procedures: the same as for production facilities

Operating fund: for small & medium sized entities producing high efficiency devices & materials

- 500 million KRW or less (1 year deferment, 2year payment by installment, less than 70 % of funds required)

Tax credit for investment in energy saving facilities

Applicable regulations

Article 25 Paragraph 2 of the Special Taxation Act

10 % tax credits for investments in energy saving facilities using high efficiency energy devices & materials until December 31, 2004

High efficiency energy devices & materials exempted from taxation (Article 13 Paragraph 2 of the Special Taxation Act)

  • 1) High efficiency induction motor
  • 2) Fluorescent lamp
  • 3) Ballast for fluorescent lamp
  • 4) Self ballasted Lamp
  • 5) High luminous reflectance factors for fluorescent lamps
  • 6) Automatic illumination adjustable luminaries
  • 7) Waste heat recovery & ventilation unit
  • 8) Airtight insulated windows & doors
  • 9) High efficiency pumps
  • 10) Power transformers (Only for three phase transformers)

Test fee Support for certification application of small & medium sized enterprises

KEMCO supports testing fees paid by small & medium sized enterprises for certification of additional models, up to two times annually.

Activated supply through promoted supply system

Voluntary Agreement (VA ) project

- Government support for huge energy consumption entities agreeing to save energy for GHG reduction

Green Energy Family(GEF) campaign

- Promotion of a campaign for extensive supply of high efficiency devices & materials

Promotional activities for Energy Service Company (ESCO)

- Help ESCO reduce technical & economic burdens and supply high efficiency devices & materials to replace and replenish existing energy use facilities.

Test articles for high efficiency device & material certification

고효율인증기자재 시험항목 품명, 시료수
Item name Samples
Ballast(Magnetic) for Metal halide lamp 5
Ballast(Electronic) for Metal halide lamp 5
Ballast(Magnetic) for Sodium lamp 5
Ballast(Electronic) for Sodium lamp 5
FPL32W fluorescent lamp 10
FPL32W fluorescent lamp 10
LED exit sign 3
LED lamp using external converter 5
LED lamp using internal converter 5
Recessed and fixed LED luminaries 5
LED sensor luminaries 5
LED Luminaries for Road and Street Lighting 5
DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED modules 5
PLS luminaries 5