

서브 비주얼

Safety Certification

Safety certification system

Safety certification system, Electric Appliances and Household Safety Control Act, article 5

System that requires manufacturer or importer to get safety certification on product which requires such certification (Verifying safety of product through product test and factory evaluation) by model prior to release or customs clearance.

Safety certification of Industrial product

Electric Appliances and Household Safety Control Act, article 2 subparagraph10 and enforcement regulation article 3 paragraph2 within the same act indicates household products that could be dangerous to consumer’s life and body, damage to the property and natural environment due to structure, material, and method.

Registrable Item

  • 1. Renewable Tire
  • 2. Pressure pot and cooker for house use

Necessary documents and procedure by stage

  • - When registering, please submit a copy of registration form.
  • - For detail procedure, please see [Annex] in necessary application form (also used as notifice for result).

Application for Safety Certification

Apply for Factory evaluation or addition of item

  • 1. 2 copies of Application form for Safety Certification (Annex – form 4)
  • 2. Copy of business registration certificate
  • 3. Instruction on product (Including photograph)
  • 4. Copy of document proving substitution (Attachment is needed only once applied through substitution)

Application for safety certification of disposable product

Only applicable after product inspection and if you need safety certification for products that are produced in limited amount or for disposable industrial products.

  • 1. 2 copies of application from (Annexed- form 4)
  • 2. 1 copy of business registration certificate
  • 3. Instruction on product (Photo included)
  • 4. Copy of document proving substitution (Attachment is needed only once applied through substitution)
  • 5. Document that proves produced in limited amounts and disposable industrial products (Contains information about clearance quantity, B/L, invoice, packing-list, etc.)

Application for changing safety certification

Apply once you need to change safety certification. (But, changing manufacturing information(Nationality, Company) and item are not included.)

  • 1. 2 Application forms for changing safety certification
  • 2. 1 copy of documents proving changes

Application for safety certification exemption

For exhibition and exposition use, it is possible to apply for safety certification exemption
(But product for research, development, and export should contact Product Safety Association by TEL.02-890-8300.)

  • 1. 2 copies of Application form for safety certification exemption (Annex- form 7)
  • 2. A copy of instruction of product and its use
  • 3. A copy of document proving that it has been manufactured or imported for exhibition and exposition.

Application for checking same model

For clearance of import,(products verified through collector of customs), you can apply through UNI-PASS in customs service(http://portal.customs.go.kr/)
(But, if you have already prove safety through product inspection then you are exempt)

Application for clearance

Product inspection for safety certification, notification for safety verification (But, only for inquiry on test and inspection for notification of safety verification) or notification for protective packaging for children should be applied if you need it through custom clearance system (http://portal.customs.go.kr/).(Please contact Product Safety Association for more information through TEL.02-890-8300)

Inspection fee and period

생활용품 안전인증 검사 수수료 및 기간
Name of industrial product Period Safety certification Note
Classification of Registration Inspection fee(won) Samples available for test(Size of sample) Classification of model
Safety certification Renewable tire for automobiles (Including tread rubber) Renewable tire For cars 20Days Inspection for the first time 1,115,840 2(n=2) By use, structure, shape

Safety certification for the first time

1. Fee for factory evaluation
:Fees for airplane and business trip are not included

  • - Domestic 250,000 won,
  • - Oversea 600,000 won

2. Issue a safety certificate
- Cost 55,000won

Regular inspection for safety certification

1. Fee for factory evaluation
:Fees for airplane and business trip are not included

  • - Domestic 200,000 won
  • - Oversea 480,000 won

Changing safety certification

1. Notification fee for change 20,000 won

Proving safety

1. Harvesting cost for samples: Domestic 264,000 won (Fee for business trip is not included)

Regular inspection 561,770 1(n=1)
For truck, bus 20Days Inspection for the first time 895,840 2(n=2)  
Regular inspection 451,770 1(n=1)
Tread rubber vulcanization 10Days Inspection for the first time 209,440 2(n=2) By type
Regular inspection 108,570 1(n=1)
unvulcanization 10Days Inspection for the first time 173,140 2(n=2)
Regular inspection 90,420 1(n=1)
Pressure pot and cooker
(If materials is stainless)
10Days Inspection for the first time 2,277,000 4 products (n=2) (complete product 2, Body 2, Packing 2) By material of inner container, structure, equipment for controlling pressure, equipment for safety device.
Regular inspection 1,142,350 2 products (n=1) (complete product 1, Body 1, Packing 1)
Safety certification for disposable (Prove past safety) 2,457,950 5 products (n=3Product inspection n=2) less than 25 1(n=1) recalculation of commission fee

* Fee includes postage( 2,200won) and surtax.

Standard and method for labeling safety verification

Relevant with Electric Appliances and Household Safety Control Act article 45, enforcement regulation article 25, paragraph 1

Label on industrial product that was notified to safety certification agency after manufacturer or importer got approval from safety inspection provided by designated inspection agency

Labeling Standard

Design shape for safety verification (Safety Certification Number)


Tips for figure

  • - Size of figure for safety verification lable can be adjusted depending on shape of industrial product.
  • - Color for safety verification lable should be navy(Color 5PB 2/8 according toKS A 0062) or black (Color N2 according to KS A 0062)

Labeling method

  • - Safety verification label should be on the surface of industrial product so it can be seen easily by either attaching or printing or stamping, etc.
  • - If putting safety verification label can cause further trouble and if there is a concern that order from actual consumer can lead to unwanted distribution to the society, then minimum labeling is allowed.