What is REACH?
EU REACH (the European Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) is a regulation of the European Union that requires the evaluation and authorisation for the registration in accordance with the hazards and distribution volumes of all chemical substances(mixtures and products containing chemical substances) manufactured or imported over one ton per year and went into effect as of June 1, 2007.
Manufactures and importers must register risk information of chemical substances manufactured or imported over one ton a year in the EU, and the European Chemical Agency and the EU member nations evaluate the risk of substances along with their registration documents. Based on the registration information, chemical substances likely to pose a risk are required to be strictly regulated by being assigned to restriction or permission, and ultimately alternative substances are required to be devloped accordingly.
EU REACH Registration Procedure
Substances or products subject to EU-REACH
Category | Substances |
Substances subject to Registration | Substances: substances over one ton per year Mixtures: at least one ton per year of substances contained in mixtures. (except substances already registred for the same uses by upper suppliers) Articles: at least one ton per year of substances intentionally discharged from articles (except substances already registered for the same uses by upper suppliers or other registrants) |
Substances eligible for exclusion from registration |
Substances eligible for exemption from registration |
'How to respond to EU REACH’s great ripple effect
As a principle that no-registered substances can't be manufacturered or imported in the EU' (No Data, No Market), EU REACH grants the legal responsibilities to manufacturers and importers within the EU. As EU REACH came into effect, no-registered substances and products containing no-registered substances haven't been allowed for importation and manufacture within the EU. REACH, beyond the simple environmental issues, is bringing a tremendous influences on trade transactions between nations and further on product competitiveness of companies. In particular, as environmental regulations are diversified and strengthened, it is time to focus on a question on how to respond to the environmental regulations cost-effectively, rather than who can respond to the environmental regulations.
EU-REACH Time schedule
EU-REACH has a phase-in period that allows companies to put some Acts into force accordingly.
R50/53 : very toxic to aquatic organisms
SVHC : Substances of Very High Concern
CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic. Reproductive toxicity): carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic
R50/53 (very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long term adverse effects in the environment)
SVHC (Substance of Very High Concern)
Substances relevant to the SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern)