

서브 비주얼

Asbestos-Free Certification

Asbestos Free certification?

Asbestos Free certification is a service that issue Conformity Certificate of Asbestos Free based on Korea Testing and Research Institute, (KTR) regulation and International authorized test standard. Conformity Certificate of Asbestos Free includes consolidation of formal test and manufacture process inspection on industrial product, medical supplies, cosmetics, construction materials and electronic product etc. part, raw materials, completed product, inventory management, and supplier chain management. Certification standard is checking whether concentration of 6 Asbestos is above 0.1% and through test evaluation and management of supplier chain, we evaluate possibility of existence of Asbestos to issue conformity certificate.


  • 칫솔 사진

    Industrial product

  • 화장품들이 모여있는 사진


  • 노트북 사진


  • 건축자재 사진

    Materials for construction

  • 약품 사진

    Medicine and medical supplies

  • 기타 부품 사진

    Other items

Procedure for asbestos free certification

석면Free 인증절차도 확대

  1. 1. 접수
  2. 2. 초기진단
  3. 3. 계약체결
  4. 4. 기업 DATA확인
    • 4-1. 적합시 : 교육훈련 및 5. [공정심사]로 진행
    • 4-2. 부적합시 : 시험평가
      • PASS : 과정 5. [공정심사]로 진행
      • FAIL : 중단
  5. 5. 공정심사
    • 5-1. 적합시 : 6. [INVENTORY 작성]으로 진행 및 계약체결
    • 5-2. 부적합시 : 중단
  6. 6. INVENTORY 작성
  7. 7. SCM
  8. 8. 인증심의

Absbestos Free certification location

석면Free 인증서 이미지 확대