

서브 비주얼

Self Inspection System for high risk product

Risk concerned product product self inspection system

Systmen requires person to check who tries to produce and import high-risk product needs to inquire test analysis institution to check that it meets the standard according to 『Act about registration of chemical substance and evaluation』 Article 2 Subparagraph 16 and Article 34.

Types of risk concerned product

위해 우려제품의 종류 - 기존 관리 품목, 신규 관리 품목
Basic item for management Cleaning agent, detergent, bleaching agent, fabric softener, coating agent, rust inhibitor, antifogging agent, super glue, air freshner, deodorant, substance for decolorant·colorant, dye for tattoo, disinfectant, insecticide, perservative
New item management Adjuvant for Ironing , Ink and toner for printing, algicide
  • ※ But, for spary type deodorant, 400ml + 2 complete products are needed
  • ※ Safety label standard Check notification in Ministry of Environment

Registration procedure

위해우려제품 자가검사 접수 절차도 확대

  1. Step1. Inquiry on test·inspection

    - Write application form

    - Samples submission (3 same complete products with label)

  2. Step2. Registration

    - Receipt(Details on Fee) send

    - After paying fee, test starts

  3. Step3. Test·inspection in progress
  4. Step4. Issue test report
  • ※ Issued test report must be kept by business owner and ther is no separate procedure for report
  • ※ Necessary document(1, 2, 7 are essential and the reminader within parenthesis are submitted only if needed

Necessary document

- Prior to write test application form, please check application range for item, kind, substances limited for use, etc.

  • 1. Copy of Inspection application form(Attached)
  • 2. Copy of business license
  • 3. Copy of Producer confirmation (If you are person who get simplified tax, OEM production, etc.)
  • 4. Copy of original self safety verification test report or documents that can prove(Need to if you inquire extra inspection)
  • 5. Copy of Child-resistant package inspection result (Submit prior to issue if you are required)
  • 6. Copy of qualification certificate for design inspection according to High-Pressure Gas Safety Control Act or completed inspection certificate(Submit prior to issue if you are required)
  • 7. Document on composition and mixed ratio of product(If composition is different from that of requested product although same model
    • - Sum of mix proportion should be 100%
    • - If there is reason such as trade secret, et.c mix proportion should be labeled as range and componsition should be listed or it can be replaced with statements "We assure there are no components other than mentioned or mixture. But if substances used for fragrance do not pass 50%, then it could be labeled as "perfume". In this case mix proportion of perfume out of whole components or mixed range must be labeled
    • - Toxic substance, permitted material, restriced material, prohibited material according to 「Act on registration of chemical substance and evaluation」 and 「Designation of toxic agent and restricted materials/prohibited material」( Notified in National Institute of Environmental Research)cannot be omitted due to trade secret, etc.
    • - Components mus be labeled with CAS number. If CAS number cannot be labeled, information on safety of materials should be submitte and must be one of the followings
    • - Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) according to 「 Occupation Safety and Health Acts」 article 41
    • - Safety data registered or notified at government organization or accepted by natioanl government organization- Product Safety Data Sheets(PSDS), etc.

Other necessary documents

  • 1. 2 Original copies of application form for same model verification(Need to submit extra document for parallel import)
  • 2. 2 Original copies of application form for change(Need to submit once company's information is changed)

Test fee by item

(Unit:Won, VAT included)

위해우려제품 자가검사 품목별 시험 수수료 및 필요시료갯수(단위:원, VAT포함)
Item Test fee(New product) Requierd sample amount(Same complete product with label)
Cleaning agent 352,000 3EA
Cleaning agent (for sticker) 522,500
Detergent 1,315,600
Bleaching agent 209,000
Fabric softener 962,500
Coating agent(For polishing) 489,500
Coating agent(Coating for surface protection, etc) 517,000
Glue Glue(Glue) 682,000
Glue(For wig) 539,000
Glue(For eye lashes) 566,500
Glue(For nail) 429,000
Adjuvant for Ironing 181,500
Air freshener 379,500
Deodorant(General) 825,000
Deodorant(For microorganism) 409,200
Dye for tattoo 1,674,200원 15EA(Telephone counseling)
Substance for decolorant·colorant 148,500 3EA
Ink and toner for printing 93,500
Rust inhibitor 434,500
Antifogging agent 434,500
Disinfectant 324,500
Insecticide 269,500
Algicide 324,500
Preservative 368,500
  • ※ But, Intensity of container and leak test are only for spray type
  • ※ Fee for change 5,500 won (Including VAT)
  • ※ Fee for checking same model 55,000 won (Including VAT)
  • ※ Fee for free sale certificate 3,300 won(Including VAT)

Test and inspection period for item

10 days based on business day (But, 40 days for detergent, 28 days for tattoo dye)

Labeling method for risk concerned product self inspection number

- Check self inspection number authorization process

Example of self inspection label

According to law about registration and evaluation of chemical substance , it is appropriate for safety standard for risk-concerned product.

Self inspection number:

Address to send samples and document

Consumer Product Certification Team, Korea Testing and Research Institute (Jungang-dong 2) Gyoyukwon-ro 98, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do

Period of interim measures for safety·labeling standard

16.12.30 standard

구분에 따른 안전·표시기준 경과조치 기간(개월)
Classification Period for interim measures(months)
Management of new item (Product that is included in revision) 3 months from 30th Dec 2016
Information on standard for container and test on intesity (Product that is included in revision) Apply to product release or cleared 18 months from 30th December, 2016
Ink toner for printing Apply after 12 months have passed from 30th December 2016.
Applicable to product release and cleared after termination of effective date if the product is attached with environment label or printed from ink toner cartridge printer and copy machine which got certification standard notified by Minstry of Environment
New set up for safety standard about safety·labeling standard Applicable 3 months after 30th December 2016.
New set up for labeling standard about safety·labeling standard Applicable to product that will be released or cleared starting 18 months after 30th December 2016.

Rules about violation

『Act about registration of chemical substance and evaluation』 Chapter 8 depending on penalty less than 7 years of imprisonment or penalty of 2 hundred million won.