

서브 비주얼

Approval of K-BPR

The K-BPR has been enacted on Mar. 20 2018 and will be implemented from Jan. 1 2019.
After the accident of humidifier disinfectant, there is a need to introduce a law for biocides such as the advanced safety management systems of America, the EU etc. in order to prevent the accidents caused by biocides in advance and to use biocides safely.

As the K-BPR is implemented, any manufacturer, importer, seller, and distributer of active substances and biocidal products shall receive the approval from the MoE.

The approved active substances are deemed to be registered according to K-REACH.

Additionally, the Self-Inspection System for Product of Risk Concern under K-REACH has been transferred to K-BPR and switched to Household Chemical Product Subject to Safety Confirmation on its name.

* Click here to see more details of 「Self-Inspection System for Product of Risk Concern」

Safety Management of Biocides



  • - Biocides: active substance, biocidal product and treated article
  • - Active substance : A chemical substance, a natural substance or a micro-organism that has an action on destroying, rendering harmless, or deterring (hereinafter referred to as destroying) the action of any harmful organism
  • - Biocidal Product : A product applicable to any of the followings intended for destroying the action of any harmful organism
    1) product composed of more than an active substance or a product mixed with an active substance and with a chemical substance, a
       natural substance, or micro-organism which is not an active substance
    2) product that produces any active substance from a chemical substance or mixture of any chemical substance, a natural substance,
       or a micro-organism
       e.g. Air purifier generating an ion or ozone, sterilized water manufacturer
  • - Treated Article : A product made of any biocidal product intended for an additional purpose such as destroying the action of any harm ful organism except the product's main purpose
    e.g. Antimicrobial product, antibacterial filter, embalming wood, chemicals with preservative

Main content of K-BPR

살생물제법 주요 내용 - 구분, 대상물질, 의무자, 비고
Category Substance Obligator note
Approval Active substance, Biocidal product Manufacturer, Importer · New active substance: Before placing in market
· Existing active substance: Before expiration of
grace period or approval
Permission Active substance, Biocidal product Manufacturer, Importer · Permission for sameness of active substance
· Permission for similarity of biocidal product
Labeling Biocidal product, Treated article Manufacturer, Importer · Biocidal product: Obligation
· Treated article: Optional
Information provision Treated Article Manufacturer, Importer · If requested by purchaser, the information release is obligatory
Safety confirmation Household chemical product and
product of risk concern designated/
notified by the MoE
Manufacturer, Importer · Product notified on safety standards: A third party’s confirmation every three years
· Product not notified on safety standards: Approval by the MoE (Product of risk concern: Grace three years from the enforcement date)
One who receives the confirmation shall report
Report Household chemical product
subject to safety confirmation,
Manufacturer, Importer · Report every two years
- Active substance: Name, Volumes of
manufacture and impo
- Household chemical product subject to safety
confirmation, Biocidal product: names and
amounts of priority control substance and
active substance contained in product