

서브 비주얼


Outline for C-Tick

To handle obstacles in Electromagnetic waves(EMI) ACA¹ has introduced EMC to regulate EMI emitted from all electric and electronic product on Radiocommunications, 1992. Currently, EMI is enforced, but standard in EMS is recommend to follow. For standard in EMI, there is AS/NZSxxxx which is co-written between New Zealand and MRA. This standard adopts CISPER standard which is global standard.


Electric device for household, Protable toola and similar equipment, Fluorescent device and light, information device, radio, TV receiver, ISM device

Certification achievement procedure

  • 1.Write application on use of C-Tick : Supplier² should write.
  • 2.Submit application form at ACA. (No registration fee, can be registered through post and fax)
    * If SCN (Supplier Code Number) is used as label for supplier distinguishable label, you can request to get it issued.
  • 3. After writing supplier's declaration conformity, attach C-Tick label to product.
  • 4. Applicants must make Compliance record(Different depending on compliance level³) to store.
  • 1) ACA : In 1997, July, 1st AUSTEL and SMR(Spectrum Management Authority) merged and they are dealing with the Wireless Law. (1992)and Streamline method (1997).
  • 2) Supplier : Manufacturer and importer in Australia or its authorized representative.
  • 3) ACA has divdided suitability of EMC level into 3 kinds.
    • A. 1stage : Device that could cause low interference on Radio frequency spectrum equipment.
    • B. 2stage :Device that could cause high interference on Radio frequency spectrum equipment.
    • C. 3stage : :Device that could cause very high interference on equipmen that uses Radio frequency spectrum and communcation network. (For example, ISM equipment or data terminal equipment( If it is included in scope of info communication standard)

* Composition : Test report from Supplier DoC, NATA certification testing facility MRA partner testing facility (In Korea, KOLAS logo must be attached) or TCF, Product Description (Name of brand and model, etc.), Product picture, Block Diagram, Circuit Diagram

Matters about labeling

  • 1. Size : Mark should be visible and readable, diametere should be at least 3mm and height of identification character of supplier should be at least minimum 1mm.
  • 2. Color : If visible by eyes, there is no limitation on color.
  • 3. How : Attach firmly. (For instance, printing, painting, molding, etching, sculpture, etc.)
  • 4. Where : Mark and supplier identification label should be attahced on the surface of product easy to see.
    If it is hard to label on the product, you can mark it on label, package, warning statements, or on manual.

* Supplier distinguishable label : ACN(Australian company number), Australian registered trademark, SCN(Supplier code number)

EMC standard and related product list

EMC 규격과 관련된 제품목록
Product AS/NZS EN standard interantional standard
Motor and electric deivce for household and similar purpose AS/NZS CISPR14 55014  
Electric light and similar equipment AS/NZS CISPR15 55015 CISPR15
TV receiver and audio equipment AS/NZS CISPR13 55013 CISPR13
Information technology equipment AS/NZS CISPR22 55022 CISPR22
ISM device AS/NZS CISPR11 55022 CISPR11
Spark ignition engine AS/NZS CISPR12   CISPR12
Arc welding equipment AS/NZS 3652 50199  
Common 4251.1 50081.1 IEC 61000-6-3

Electromagnetic Compatibility Arrangements

The transitional arrangement is the time period where the ACA/RSM recognizes conformity to either the 'earlier' or 'later' version of the same standard for products supplied to the market. Upon expiry of the transitional period, the ACA/RSM only recognizes the 'later' version of a standard for compliance purposes with the EMC scheme.

Electromagnetic Compatibility Arrangements
Product European International AS/NZS
ISM equipment EN 55011 CISPR 11 AS/NZS
Spark ignition engines   CISPR 12 AS/NZS
TV receivers and audio equipment EN 55013 CISPR 13 AS/NZS
Electrical motor-operated & thermal appliances, electric tools & similar apparatus EN 55014-1 CISPR 14-1 AS/NZS
Electrical lighting and similar equipment EN 55015 CISPR 15 AS/NZS
Information Technology EN 55022 CISPR 22 AS/NZS
Generic (residential, commercial and light industry) EN 50081.1 IEC 61000-6-3 4251.1
Generic (industrial environments) EN 50081-2 IEC 61000-6-4 4251.2
Arc welding equipment EN 50199   3652
Signaling on low-voltage electrical installations EN 50065-1 IEC 61000-3-8  
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) EN 50091-2 IEC 62040-2 AS
Electronic taximeters EN 50148    
Control circuit devices and switching elements proximity sensors, D.C. direct current interface for proximity sensors and switching amplifiers EN 50227    
Measuring relays and protection equipment EN 50263    
Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen EN 50270    
Audio, video, audio-visual and entertainment lighting control apparatus for professional use EN 55103-1    
Sewing machines EN 60204-31 EN 60204-31  
Low- voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies EN 60439-1 EN 60439-1  
Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations (electronic switches) EN 60669-2-1 EN 60669-2-1  
Switches for household and similar fixed- electrical installations (remote- control switches) EN 60669-2-2 EN 60669-2-2  
Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations (time-delay switches) EN 60669-2-3 EN 60669-2-3  
Alternating current static watt- hour meters for active energy (classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S) EN 60687 EN 60687  
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use (general requirements) EN 60730-1 EN 60730-1  
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use (automatic electrical burner control systems) EN 60730-2-5 EN 60730-2-5  
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use (automatic electrical pressure sensing controls) EN 60730-2-6 EN 60730-2-6  
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use (timers and time switches) EN 60730-2-7 EN 60730-2-7  
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use (electrically operated water valves) EN 60730-2-8 EN 60730-2-8  
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use (temperature sensing controls) EN 60730-2-9 EN 60730-2-9  
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use (energy regulators) EN 60730-2-11 EN 60730-2-11  
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use (humidity sensing controls) EN 60730-2-13 EN 60730-2-13  
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use (electric actuators) EN 60730-2-14 EN 60730-2-14  
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use (automatic electrical water and air flow sensing controls) EN 60730-2-18 EN 60730-2-18  
Tele-control equipment and systems EN 60870-2-1 EN 60870-2-1  
Maritime navigation equipment EN 60945 EN 60945  
Low- voltage switchgear and control gear EN 60947-1 EN 60947-1  
Low- voltage switchgear and control gear (AC semiconductor motor controllers and starters) EN 60947-2 EN 60947-2  
Low- voltage switchgear and control gear (switches, disconnections,switch- disconnections and fuse- combination units) EN 60947-3 EN 60947-3  
Low- voltage switchgear and control gear (contactors and motor- starters electromechanical contactors and motor-starters) EN 60947-4-1 EN 60947-4-1  
Low- voltage switchgear and control gear (AC semiconductor motor controllers and starters) EN 60947-4-2 EN 60947-4-2  
Low- voltage switchgear and control gear (AC semiconductor controllers and contactors for non-motor loads) EN 60947-4-3 EN 60947-4-3  
Low- voltage switchgear and control gear (control circuit devices and switching elements) EN 60947-5-1 EN 60947-5-1  
Low- voltage switchgear and control gear (proximity switches) EN 60947-5-2 EN 60947-5-2  
Low- voltage switchgear and control gear (proximity devices with defined behavior under fault conditions) EN 60947-5-3 EN 60947-5-3  
Low- voltage switchgear and control gear (DC interface for proximity sensors and switching amplifiers) EN 60947-5-6 EN 60947-5-6  
Low- voltage switchgear and control gear (automatic transfer switching equipment) EN 60947-6-1 EN 60947-6-1  
Low- voltage switchgear and control gear (control and protective switching devices) EN 60947-6-2 EN 60947-6-2  
Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral over-current protection for household and similar uses EN 61008-1 EN 61008-1  
Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2) EN 61036 EN 61036  
Electricity metering /tariff and load control EN 61037 EN 61037  
Time switches for tariff and load control EN 61038 EN 61038  
Alternating current static var-hour meters for reactive energy (classes 2 and 3) EN 61268 EN 61268  
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use EN 61326 EN 61326  
Residual current-operated protective devices (RCDs) for household and similar use EN 61543 EN 61543  
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems EN 61800-3 EN 61800-3  
Specified time relays for industrial use EN 61812-1 EN 61812-1  
Telecommunications network equipment EN 300386    

Point of contact

담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Position Task Tel E-mail
Park Jinjae Manager KC, CB, CCC, CE etc Global Certificate +82-2-2164-1479 jjpark@ktr.or.kr