

서브 비주얼

ATEX(Explosion Proof) certification system

Outline for European ATEX (Explosion Proof) certification system

유럽 ATEX(방폭) 인증 마크

ATEX is abbreviation for Atmosperes Explosibles. By establishing common guideline(Directive 94/9/EC) on electric appliances, equipment, and protection system used in area that are high in risk for explosion between EU members, separated certification system that was conducted separately in each country has been integrated.

Such guideline describe duty of use and design of manufacturer and user on equipment used in dangerous environment to prevent potential explosive accidents in work environment and machine. It was enforced since July, 2003. Also prior to entering market within Europe, one must meet technical requirement in procedure on conformity evaluation, equipment and protection system. For technical requirement, detail can be found in harmonized standard determined by EU.

Since April 20th, 2016, Europe’s new guideline on explosion prevention, 2014/34/EU was activated and 94/9/EC is no longer applicable.
Major changes that were made in 2014/34/EU, state responsibility of manufacturer, importer, and distributor specifically and importer must label name of importer and address on product. Also EC declaration of conformity and EC formal test certificate has been changed into EU declaration of conformity and EU formal test certificate.

Item subject for certification

It is applied to device and protective system that are used in potential explosive air. Not only for products that are used, but also for products that need safety function of protective system and device in relation to explosion or products that contribute such as safety equipment, control system, and control equipment is also included in the range of guideline.

Item excluded from certification

  • - Medical device
  • - Equipment and protective system used against explosive or site that is tend to be in danger
  • - Individual protective gear
  • - Vessels and movable marine construction
  • - Traffic, Transportation (Transportation used for potential explosive are subject of certification)
  • - Military equipment


Marking 표기 예시 확대

ATEX 인증제도의 Marking
1 CE Mark 6 G and /or D : Gas and/or Dust
2 Certification agency(NB) identification number 7 Explosion protected
3 European commission mark for explosion protected installation 8 Protection type
4 Equipment group (I: Opto-industry, II: Surface industry) 9 Gas or Dust group
5 Equipment category (M1, M2, 1, 2, 3) 10 Temperature class

Certification procedure

Evaluation procedure for conformity of ATEX follows below procedures based on group of product and category.

Group I, II of Category M1, 1, Autonomous Protective System

Group I, II의 Category M1, 1, Autonomous Protective System 절차도 확대

  1. 1. Group I, II의 Category M1, 1, Autonomous Protective System
    • 2-1. EU Type Examination test by NB [Annex III] EU Type Examination Certificate 발행
      • 3-1. Production Quality Assurance by NB [Annex IV] Quality Assurance Notification 발행
      • 3-2. Product Verification by NB [Annex V] Certificate of Conformity 발행
    • 2-2. Unit Verification by NB [Annex IX] Certificate of Conformity 발행

Group I, II of Category M2, 2

Group I, II의 Category M2, 2 절차도 확대

  1. 1. Group I, II의 Category M2, 2
    • 2-1. 전기기기나 내연 엔진 : EU Type Examination test by NB [Annex III] EU Type Examination Certificate 발행
      • 3-1. Production Quality Assurance by NB [Annex VII] Quality Assurance Notification 발행
      • 3-2. Internal Production Control + Supervised Product Testing [Annex VI] Notice of Conformity to Type 발행
    • 2-2. 비전기기기 : Internal Production Control By Manufacturer [Annex VIII]
    • 2-3. Unit Vertification by NB [Annex IX] Certificate of Conformity 발행

Category 3 of Group II

Group II의 Category 3 확대

  1. 1. Group II의 Category 3
    • 2-1. Internal Production Control by manufacturer [Annex VIII]
    • 2-2. Unit Vertification by NB [Annex IV] Certificate of Conformity 발행

Type of evaluation for conformity

적합성 평가 종류와 설명
Type Explanation
EU type examination test
(Annex III, Module B)
Certification organization receives samples to carry out conformity evaluation to check it meets requirement after that EU Type Examination Certificate is issued
Production Quality Assurance
(Annex IV, Module D)
Check production, final inspection, and test process are operating based on quality system approved by certification to issue Product Quality Assurance Notification
Product verification
(Annex V, Module F)
To check conformity based on guideline, for all products, certification organization must test and inspect to issue Certificate of Conformity
Internal Production Control + Supervised Product Testing
(Annex VI, Module C1)
Manufacturer conducts conformity evaluation on design for explosive proof to issue Notice of Conformity to Type
Product Quality Assurance
(Annex VII, Module E)
With final inspection and test, check whether it is operating under approved quality system to issue Product Quality Assurance Notification
Internal production control
(Annex VIII, Module A)
Procedure for Manufacturer by itself to carry out product and quality system evaluation
Unit verification
(Annex IX, Module G)
All test is carried out on specific lot production to check it is qualified in conformity evaluation to issue Certificate of Conformity

Required document

ATEX 인증의 필요 문서
Type Explanation
Application form
  • - Name of applicant, Name of manufacturer, Address, Name of product, Type, etc must be filled in
  • - Decide product explosion proof classification (Group, Category, Gas or Dust, etc.)
  • - Choose evaluation procedure for conformity
  • - Decide IP grade
Risk assessment

To check it meets the 2014/34/EU의 ATEX guidelines based on Essential health and safety requirement manufacturers need to conduct risk assessment on equipment and protection system.
Risk assessment should be written following below 4 stages.

  • 1) Hazard identification : Find hazard within product,
  • 2) Risk estimation : Decide potential risk and level of danger
  • 3) Risk evaluation : Decide if risk is acceptable or if it need to be control or need to change plan
  • 4) Risk reduction option analysis : Chaning plan to reduce risk
Preparation of technical document
(Technical Document)

To evaluate conformity of product, technical document must be written following guidelines.

  • - Product general explanation (code, product specification, function, uses, etc.)
  • - Manufacture flood plan, outside view , circuit diagram, component and floor plan of sub-assembly , information(Specification of component and certificate)
  • - Product block diagram and explanation for its operation
  • - Structure/Formula for planning, technical information report about conducted inspection result, etc.
  • - Test report
  • - Requirement list for conformity confirmation
Writing declaration of manufacture self-appropriateness
(EU Declaration of Conformity)

Declaration of self-appropriateness is document that proves requirement for safety and essential hygiene. It needs signature of person in charge with CE mark attached, even after getting certified from certification agency this declaration must be written. Following should be included in declaration of self-appropriateness

  • - Name of product, name of model, Serial number or Batch number
  • - Name and address of manufacturer. Name and address of legal representatvie,
  • - Explosive proof Classification
  • - Standard used in evaluation, Harmonized standard
  • - Identifiation number and name of notified body that issue certificate and evaluate appropriateness
  • - EU type examination certificate number
  • - Date appropriateness has been declared
  • - Signature of person in charge within manufcaturer

Point of contact

담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Position Task Tel E-mail
Park Jinjae Manager KC, CB, CCC, CE etc Global Certificate +82-2-2164-1479 jjpark@ktr.or.kr