

서브 비주얼

Support for Cooperative Utilization of Research Facility

Project Introduction

Cooperative use of research equipment registered by KTR for the purpose of R&D/quality management for the small and medium businesses to optimize the utility of equipment and promoting the technical competitiveness of small and medium businesses

Support for

The small and medium businesses in accordance of the Article 2 of the Framework Act on Small and Medium Enterprises

Supporting Funds

Supporting of the equipment usage fee (testing commissions) with online voucher(coupon)

Government Grants + Expenses of Corporate = Voucher

연구장비공동활용지원사업 지원내용 - 구분, 정부지원금, 기업부담금(현금 무담)
Specifications Government Grants Expenses of Corporate (in Cash)
Startup business (Less than 7 years in operation) Upto 70% (KRW 30 million ~ 70 million*) Upto 30% (KRW 12 million ~ 29 million)
Existing business (More than 7 years in operation) Upto 60% (KRW 30 million ~ 70 million*) Upto 40% (KRW 20 million ~ 46 million)

* For the businesses that used up the Government Grants (KRW 30 million), additional fund of KRW 20 million will be provided (max. application = 2 times)


  • - R&D, quality management, NET/NEP certification, performance certification, designation as excellent procurement product, green technology certification/green technology product verification, patent technology evaluation, applying for additional government R&D support
  • - quality certification (KS), post-management, etc.

How to Apply

Integrated Management System of the Technology Development Program, Small and medium business administration (www.smtech.go.kr) → Application accepted at all times