

서브 비주얼

Education for Acquisition of International Standards Certification

Education Courses on the Acquisition of International Standards Certification

As part of Support for Acquisition of International Standards Certification, KTR provides basic courses on the general concepts and processes needed to prepare for the acquisition of international standards certification for the small and medium businesses and advanced courses on supportive lessons on the practical operation of the certificating personnel


Course In accordance with the Article 2 of the Framework Act on Small and Medium Enterprises, KTR provides supportive courses for small and medium businesses in their acquisition of international standard certification on the concepts and processes (50 students for basic courses / 30 students for advanced courses, in order of application)
Contents 11 Basic Courses, 14 Advanced Courses (Total 25 Courses)
Registration fee Registration fee, training materials are provided free of charge / Free lunch for advanced courses

Course Registration

교육신청 확대
  • KTR 교육 아카데미 홈페이지 (http://www.ktr.or.kr/edu)
  • 온라인 교육신청
  • 해당 교육 선택 후 수강신청

Points are granted after the completion of the courses on the acquisition of international standards certification (Max.3 points)

1 ponit granted for basic course / 3 points granted for advanced course

Contact us for inquiries on the course schedules +82 2-2164-0146