

서브 비주얼

Environmental assessment · environmental health

KTR‘s environmental assessment and environmental health

By preserving our country from environmental pollution, KTR hopes to make it possible for people to live in more pleasant natural environments, clean water and clean air. We are committed to improving the quality of life of the people and contributing to the protection of the earth's environment by preserving our planet. Based on our long experience and expertise in environmental test analysis, we are supporting the business activities of many companies by utilizing our highly qualified professionals and state-of-the-art testing equipments. We are committed to jointly developing projects with companies, universities and research institutes. We also develop environmental technologies together with them and develop and evaluating new technologies to produce standard materials.

Designated institutions

Designated institutions
Classification Designated name if institution Relevant department Designated day
Common Internationally authorized testing institution Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme 2006.06.26
Standard material producer Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme 2008.01.01
Environmental technology evaluation Institute Korea Environmental IndustryTechnology Institute 2006.06.01
Asbestos Analyzing institute for asbestos in soil National Institute of Environmental Research 2012.03.12
Asbestos environmental Ccenter Ministry of Environment 2012.09.28
Designation of asbestos inspection and analysis agency Ministry of Employment and Labor 2009.08.07
Soil / waste Specialized analytical laboratory for waste(PCBs) National Institute of Environmental Research 2006.08.29
Waste analysis agency (general) National Institute of Environmental Research 2006.03.25
Investigation agency for soil Contamination Gyeonggi-do(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2012.07.31
Indoor air and building materials Test agency to check the emission of the pollutant from building materials Ministry of Employment and Labor 2017.01.17
Certification agency for eco-friendly building materials Korea Air Cleaning Association 2005.10.27
Water quality Water quality measurement agency Gyeonggi-do 2005.08.17
Water quality measurement agency Ulsan Metropolitan City 2007.04.05
Componential analysis agency for red tide remover Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 2004.10.12
Measurement and analysis agency for marine environment Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 2014.04.22
Air / odor / biodegradation Consigned agency for atmospheric measurement Gyeonggi-do 2005.08.17
Odor inspection agency National Institute of Environmental Research 2006.11.23
Performance evaluation agency for maritime incinerator US Coast Guard 2005.08.22
Biodegradable synthetic resin testing agency Ministry of Employment and Labor 2004.08.12
Materials for tap water Inspection agency for Hygienic safety standard Ministry of Employment and Labor 2011.05.26
Inspection agency for Hygienic safety standard(Ulsan) Ministry of Employment and Labor 2011.05.26
Sea discharge waste Specialized analysis agency for sea discharge waste(general) Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 2007.06.22
Specialized analysis agency for sea discharge waste(special) Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 2008.01.07

Asbestos analysis

Asbestos analysis method

Asbestos analysis method
Sample status analyzing method remarks
Bulk Notification by Ministry of Environment No.2015-209 (Sampling and analysis methods for investigation and analysis of asbestos-containing substances) PLM,XRD,TEM
KSL 5300 : Asbestos analysis method on solid samples PLM,XRD
Notified by the Ministry of Labor No. 2009-32 PLM
JIS A 1481 : How to measure asbestos content in building materials PLM, XRD
AS 4964: Method for the Qualitative Identification of Asbestos in Bulk Samples PLM
NIOSH 9002: ASBESTOS (bulk) by PLM PLM
EPA-600/M4-82-020: Interim Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples PLM, XRD
EPA-600/R-93-116: Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials SM, PLM, XRD, AEM
Air KOSHA CODE Guidelines for analyzing work environment measurement methods PCM
Process test standard for indoor air quality PCM, TEM
KS M ISO 10312: How to measure fiber in the air and asbestos(uses transmission electron microscope with direct transmission) TEM
Rock & Soil Korean Pharmacopoeia (Talc) IR, XRD, PLM
CARB(Air Resources Board) Test Method 435 : Determination of Asbestos Content of Serpentine Aggregate PLM
EPA Region 1 Screening Protocol : MA DEP Sieve Method for the Determination of Asbestos Debris in Soil PLM
Superfund EPA 540-R-97-028 : superfund Method for the determination of Releasable Asbestos in Soils and Bulk Material TEM
Process test standard for hazardous chemical substances(Talc) PLM, XRD

※ PCM : Phase Contrast Microscope / PLM : Polarization Microscope / XRD : X-Ray Diffractometer

    TEM : Transmission Electron Microscope / AEM : Analytical Electron Microscope / IR : Infrared Spectroscopy

Bulk Sample analysis equipment

Bulk Sample analysis equipment
Analysis equipment scope of application
Polarization microscope (PLM)
  • - Utilizes the optical properties of minerals
  • - Mainly used equipments
  • - Qualitative and quantitative analysis available
X-ray diffractometer (XRD)
  • - Identifies the type of asbestos using diffraction phenomenon
  • - Qualitative and quantitative analysis available
  • - Pre-processing is difficult
  • - Since it is impossible to distinguish between the fibers, it is necessary to confirm the fiber with a microscope.
Transmission electron microscope (TEM)
  • - Qualitative and quantitative analysis available
  • - Pre-processing is difficult
  • - Able to identify diffraction patterns, fibers and chemical compositions
  • - Asbestos fibers with diameters less than 0.1 ㎛ can be detected.

Air sample analysis equipment

Air sample analysis equipment
Analysis equipment scope of application
Phase contrast microscopy (PCM)
  • - Coefficient of all fibrous particles
  • - Confirms the shape
Transmission electron microscope (TEM)
  • - Classifies all fibrous particles
  • - Identifies the current state, element composition and crystal structure

Examples of asbestos analysis

Analysis chart for Chrysotile (FE-SEM, PLM, EDX, XRD)

  • Dispersed dye (white asbestos)

    Dispersed dye (white asbestos)

  •  X-ray diffractometer (diffraction pattern of white asbestos)

    X-ray diffractometer (diffraction pattern of white asbestos)

  • shape identified by transmission electron microscope

    shape identified by transmission electron microscope

  • diffraction pattern identified by  transmission electron microscope

    diffraction pattern identified by transmission electron microscope

What is an asbestos inspection?

Inspects whether the asbestos is contained in the relevant building or facility. Also, it inspects the type, content, location and area of asbestos. [Article 30-3 of enforcement decree of Occupational Safety and Health Acts]

Subject of asbestos inspection

All works regarding building such as demolition, destruction, remodeling, major repair, extension, reconstruction, repair, maintenance, etc.

- Building : The total area of an ordinary building should not be less than 50 ㎡ and the total area of the part to be demolished and dismantled should not be less than 50 ㎡

- Residence(including the attached building) : The total area should not be less than 200㎡ and the total area of the part to be demolished and dismantled should not be less than 200㎡

- Facilities :

1. The total area of insulating material, insulating material, spraying material, fireproofing material, gasket, packing material, sealant or materials of other similar use is 15㎡. Or its volume is not less than 1㎥.

2. If the building or equipment to be or dismantled has a total length of not less than 80m

- or its total length of pipe insulation is not less than 80m, The one who wants to demolish or dismantle such a building or facility shall submit the results of the asbestos inspection through the designated asbestos inspection agency. Afterwards, it must be preserved.
[Article 38-2 of Occupational Safety and Health Acts]※ In case of its violation, fines of not more than KRW 50 million will be imposed.

- The one who must conduct the asbestos inspection might include the owner, administrator, lessee of the building, the project operator, and the union of reconstruction or redevelopment

Cases of asbestos inspection

Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, International Intellectual Property Training Institute, Seoul Regional Postal Administration, Seoul National University, District 2 of Redevelopment area of Jangwi-dong, Seoul, Korea Electric Power Corporation Jeju, Lotte Hotel, Office building of Bibongmyeon, Hwaseong, Daejin High School, Hongcheon Junior High School, Seoul Subway Sangwangri Station, Division 2 of Marines and asbestos inspection of ships(Hyundai Heavy Industries, Hyundai Mipo Shipbuilding, Samsung Heavy Industries) etc.

Waste, soil열림/닫힘


- Soil pollution test and other soil related test / service task

- Test items: 21 items regulated by Soil Environment Conservation Act and general soil test items

- Test standard: Process test standard for soil pollution, landscape architecture

- Designated institutions : Investigation agency for soil Contamination


- Tests for the classification of wastes and designated wastes and other waste related test / service tasks

- Test items: 11 items to be regulated by Waste Management Act

- Test standard: Waste process test standard

PCB field

- Analysis of PCBs content in insulating oil for transformer replacement

- Test item : PCBs

- Test standard : Waste process test standard, EPA Method 8082A, etc.

- Test charge : 1. Precise analysis method(GC / ECD): KRW 155,000 / 2. Simplified procedure(simple GC / ECD): KRW 125,000

- Designated institution : Specialized agency in waste analysis(PCBs)

Solid fuel

- SRF and Bio-SRF quality test analysis and a service task to separate the waste

- Test item : All items for quality test of solid fuel products

- Test standard : Analysis method of the quality test of solid fuel products (Notice by Ministry of Environment No. 2014-135)

Indoor air and building materials열림/닫힘

Test of pollutant exhaustion in construction materials, furniture, automobile elements, etc.

The Ministry of Environment finalized and announced the "Indoor Air Quality Control Act for Multi-use Facilities", which was enacted on May 30, 2004. Since the Ministry of Environment stipulates indoor air quality standards for multi-use facilities and new apartment buildings and pollutants emitted from building materials, indoor air quality management and measurement of pollutants emitted from building materials are essential. KTR, an internationally recognized testing organization, has been recognized by domestic and foreign agencies for its excellent human resources, atmospheric environment measurement vehicles and the latest measuring instruments. It is necessary to confirm the compliance with the environmental safety management standards for children's activity space according to the Environmental Health Law that measures the emission amount of building materials and automobile parts and pollutant measurement for indoor air quality. We are registered and approved by the Ministry of Environment as a verification inspection agency and can test in the children's activity space.

Amendment of the Indoor Air Quality Management Act (2016.12.23)

Article 11 (2) of the 「Indoor Air Quality Management Act」

Any person who manufactures or imports building materials must be confirmed by the test agency designated by the ordinance of the Ministry of Environment before supplying the materials to the person who installs the multi-use facility or apartment building.

Existing(2016): Post-sample inspection, After revision(2017): Pre-compliance check 확대

※ All materials should be inspected during the grace period (one year) after the enforcement of the law.

※ Validity period of the certificate : Three years

Small chamber test for the discharging amount of building materials

Small chamber test for the discharging amount of building materials
Target building materials item charges
Glue, paint, sealant, putty, wallpaper, foundation, etc.

TVOC emission

Toluene emission

Formaldehyde Emission (Average of two tests)

Verification test Exemption for derivatives
Test charge : KRW 2.2 million Issuance of certificate : KRW 10,000 / number of derivatives

- Examination fee : KRW 300,000 (for five cases. KRW 50,000 for an additional case)

- Business travelling expenses : KRW 237,000 / day (at least five cases per day)

- The number of business days can be negotiated in reference to onsite conditions.

※ The derivative is the product which has the same chemical composition and manufacturing process as the existing confirmed product. The test agency will issue the exemption certificate and exempt the confirmation test. (Article 7 (2) of the enforcement decree of Indoor Air Quality Management Act)


Procedure of verification test Documents for application
  • ① Submit documents for application (Coordinate the business trip schedule)
  • ② Sample and onsite evaluation
  • ③ Emission test
  • ④ Issuance of certificate
Verification test Request for release of pollutant from building materials
* Regulations for the enforcement of the act [Form 2 of Appendix No. 2]
Exemption for derivatives Request to exempt the checking the pollutant emission from building materials
* Regulations for the enforcement of the act [Form 2 of Appendix No. 2]

Major tests

Major tests
Test Detailed information
Desiccator test
  • · Measurement of formaldehyde emission in synthetic wood. KS mark / Q mark / HB certification
  • · Target: Wood-based panel material and interior material for ordinary buildings
  • · Test item: Formaldehyde emission
  • · Test method: KS M 1998, KS F 3101, KS M 7305, etc.
Small chamber test
  • · Measurement of pollutant emissions in building materials
  • · Target : Interior materials for inside construction and materials for ordinary buildings
  • · Test item : TVOC, 5VOC, HCHO
  • · Test method : KS M 1998, KS M ISO 16000-9
Large chamber test
  • · Emission test in electronics and furniture
  • · Target : Built-in furniture, general furniture, household appliances and office electronics
  • · Test item : TVOC, HCHO, dust, ozone
  • · Test method : KS I 2007, KS X ISO/IEC 28360

Adsorption chamber test

Absorption and desorption chamber test

  • · Adsorption performance test and adsorption/damproofing test of functional building materials such as VOC, etc.
  • · Target (functional building materials) : wall, ceiling, foundation, tile, paint etc.
  • · Test item : adsorption amount, adsorption/dampproofing amount
  • · Test method : ISO 16000-23, ISO 16000-24, ISO 24353
Emission test for automobile parts
  • · Emission measurement for hazardous chemical substances in automobile‘s interior parts and interior materials
  • · Target : Small modules, raw material parts and middle and large size module parts
  • · Test item : VOC, HCHO
  • · Simplified test method · precise test method: MS 300-55, etc.
  • · Chamber test : MS 300-57, etc.
Indoor air quality measurement
  • · Measurement of pollutants in indoor air
  • · Target : Multi-use facilities, new apartment houses, etc.
  • · Test item : VOCs, odor, fine dust, total floating bacteria, CO2, NO2, CO, O3, radon, asbestos
  • · Test method : Process test standard for indoor air quality
Verification test for children‘s space
  • · Measurement of environmental hazardous factors in children‘s space
  • · Target : Children‘s space such as nursery
  • · Test item : Heavy metals, indoor air pollutants, parasites, antiseptics, PAHs
  • · Test method : Process test standard for environmental hazardous factors
  • Small chamber system

    Small chamber system

  • GC-MS


  • Standby or moving vehicles

    Standby or moving vehicles

  • UPLC


Water quality/ Eating water열림/닫힘

Industrial wastewater, filthy water, rainwater, water quality, river water, lake water, landfill leachate, process water 확대

Filthy water and waste water / discharge water / groundwater / industrial water / leachate

We test and analyze various harmful substances that such as heavy metals, detergents, pesticides, VOCs, etc. that pollute rivers, streams, and water sources. Then we measure the pollution degree of sewage or wastewater to check whether the water quality standard(standard for the discharge water) is suitable.

- Test standard : Process test standard for water pollution, KS I 3206, KS I 3217, APHA Standard Methods, etc.

- Related devices : UV, ICP, IC, GC, GC / MS, LC, LC / MS, MS, Nitrogen analyzer, Automatic analyzer for water quality , mercury analyzer, etc.

Drinking water / drinking spring water

We test and analyze the suitability of the drinking water and drinking spring water that have a direct effect on the health of humans. And we conduct an elution test for the drinking water of relevant products.

- Test standard: Standard for process test of drinking water‘s quality

- Related devices : UV, ICP, ICP/MS, IC, GC, GC/MS etc.

Relevant laws and regulations

- Law on conservation of water quality and water ecosystem

- Groundwater law, sewerage law, etc.

New environmental technology

Support for acquisition of Korea's new environmental technology certification : As a specialized environmental evaluation agency in reference to the environmental technology evaluation system of the Ministry of Environment, we conduct evaluations based on the environmental technology evaluation regulations for newly developed environmental technologies.

Applied field

- Water purification technology

- Waste recycling technology

Food container열림/닫힘

Food container

To conduct the test, we will classify the materials according to the standards for hazardous substances that can be directly transferred to food or food additives from equipment, containers or packaging.

- Test standard : Apparatus, container and wrapping for food (Notified by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety)

- Related devices : UV, ICP, GC, GC/MS, LC, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS etc.

Air / odor / biodegradation열림/닫힘

Air pollutants

- "Air pollutants" are gases and particles that cause air pollution and are defined by the ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.

- "Specified atmospheric pollutants" are air pollutants that can directly or indirectly harm the health and property of people and the growth of plants and animals. They are defined by the ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.

- "Substances that change climate and ecosystem" are gaseous substances that can cause a change in ecosystem due to global warming.

- The greenhouse gas is one of them, and the rest of them is determined by the ordinance of the Ministry of Environment. "Greenhouse gas" absorbs or re-emits infrared rays and radiant heat to induce a greenhouse effect.

- This includes carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrogen fluoride, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride. "Volatile Organic Compounds" means petrochemicals, organic solvents, and other substances in hydrocarbons, and the Minister of Environment notifies them in consultation with the representatives of the relevant governmental institute.

Air pollutants in outlet
Air pollutants in outlet Specific air pollutants in exhaust port VOCs & Aldehydes
Carbon monoxide Chlorine and hydrogen chloride Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Vinyl chloride
Hydrogen chloride Fluoride 1,3-Butadiene
Sulfuric acid Hydrogen cyanide Dichloromethane
Nitrogen oxide Vinyl chloride Methyl ethyl ketone
Fluoride Phenol compound Chloroform
Phenol compound Benzene Isobutyl alcohol
Ammonia Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane
Hydrogen cyanide Chloroform Benzene
Arsenic compound Formaldehyde Carbon tetrachloride
Benzene Acetaldehyde Trichloroethylene
Bromine 1,3-butadiene MIBK
hydrogen sulfide Ethylene oxide Toluene
Formaldehyde Dichloromethane Acetic acid
Carbon disulfide Trichlorethylene Tetrachloroethene
dust Hydrazine Ethylbenzene
Mercury compound Cadmium and its compounds m-Xylene
Cadmium Lead and its compounds p-Xylene
Lead Chrome and its compounds Styrene
Chrome Arsenic and its compounds o-Xylene
Copper Mercury and its compounds Aniline etc.
Zinc Nickel and its compounds Aldehydes (aldehyde) Formaldehyde
Nickel Nickel and its compounds Acetaldehyde
Exhaust Polychlorinated biphenyl Propionaldehyde
Air pollutants in environmental air Dioxin Butyraldehyde
Items to analyze Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons I-valeraldehyde
Carbon dioxide, CO₂ Methyl disulfide n-valeraldehyde etc.
Carbon monoxide, CO Total VOCs
(Aniline, styrene, tetrachlorethylene, 1,2-dichloroethane, ethylbenzene, acrylonitrile)
Sulfur dioxide, SO₂  
Nitrogen dioxide, NO₂  
Ozone, O₃  
Dust (fugitive dust, PM10 2.5)  

Gas composition analysis and fuel gas calorific analysis

The test for gas composition, content and calorie, conducted by Administrative guideline for the greenhouse gas target management system (Ministry of Environment), Notification on the city gas quality standards(Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy), etc

Gas composition analysis and fuel gas calorific analysis
Classification Test items Test method
Gas composition test for natural gas, biogas and by-product gas, etc. N2, O2, H2, CO, CO2, C1 ~ C6+ etc. KS I ISO 6974-6
Higher calorific value of gas, low calorific value of gas, density, relative density and Webber index test KS I ISO 6976
Gas sulfur compound test H2S, CH3SH etc. KS I ISO 19739


  • Moisture Analyzer

    Moisture Analyzer

Deodorization test

Deodorization refers to measures to remove odor through physically isolating the component of odor by chemically changing the component of the odor or absorbing it. Deodorants include chemical deodorants and physical deodorizers.

Some deodorants do not supply deodorizing substances separately, but perform deodorization functions electrically and mechanically.

Deodorization test
Test items Test method
Sulfur compounds hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, etc. gas bag, detector tube method
Nitrogen compounds ammonia, trimethylamine, etc.
Indoor air pollutants Toluene, formaldehyde, etc.

Odor pollutants

- "Odor" refers to the smell of hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, amines, or other irritating gaseous substances that stimulate the smell of the human body, causing discomfort and disgust.

- "Odor emission facilities" refer to facilities, machinery, and equipments that cause odors.

- The Minister of Environment determines it in consultation with the head of the relevant central administrative agency, and declare the ordinance.

- "Complex odor" refers to the smell of two or more odorous substances acting together to stimulate a person's sense of smell, causing discomfort and disgust.

- "Specified odor substance" is a substance that causes odor and is determined according to the ordinance of the Ministry of Environment. The measurement of odor is intended to determine if the emission limit is exceeded. At the outlet and site boundary, it is a principle to measure the odor by the air dilution sensory method. If it is necessary to check whether or not odorous substances are emitted, it is necessary to measure the odorous substances specified by the instrument analysis by the instrumental analysis method.

※ Emission standard and scope of strict emission standards (related to the enforcement regulation 8 of Odor Prevention Law)

Complex odor

Complex odor
Test Items Emission standard(dilution rate) Scope of strict emission standard(dilution rate)
Industrial area other area Industrial area other area
Exhaust port 1000 Not higher than 500 Not higher than 500~1000 300~500
Site boundary 20 Not higher than 15 Not higher than 15~20 10~15

Designated odor substance

Designated odor substance
Classification Emission standard (ppm) Scope of strict emission standard (ppm) Applied period
Industrial Area other Area Industrial Area
1 Ammonia Not higher than 2 Not higher than 1 1~2 From February 10, 2005
2 Methyl mercaptan Not higher than 0.004 Not higher than 0.002 0.002~0.004
3 hydrogen sulfide Not higher than 0.06 Not higher than 0.02 0.02~0.06
4 Dimethyl sulfide Not higher than 0.05 Not higher than 0.01 0.01~0.05
5 Dimethyl disulfide Not higher than 0.03 Not higher than 0.009 0.009~0.03
6 Trimethylamine Not higher than 0.02 Not higher than 0.005 0.005~0.02
7 Acetaldehyde Not higher than 0.1 Not higher than 0.05 0.05~0.1
8 Styrene Not higher than 0.8 Not higher than 0.4 0.4~0.8
9 Propionaldehyde 0.1Not higher than 0.05Not higher than 0.05~0.1
10 Butyraldehyde Not higher than 0.1 Not higher than 0.029 0.029~0.1
11 n-valeraldehyde Not higher than 0.02 Not higher than 0.009 0.009~0.02
12 i-valeraldehyde Not higher than 0.006 Not higher than 0.003 0.003~0.006
13 Toluene Not higher than 30 Not higher than 10 10~30 From January 1, 2008
14 Xylene Not higher than 2 Not higher than 1 1~2
15 Methyl ethyl ketone Not higher than 35 Not higher than 13 13~35
16 Methyl isobutyrate ketone Not higher than 3 Not higher than 1 1~3
17 Butylacetate Not higher than 4 Not higher than 1 1~4
18 Propionic acid Not higher than 0.07 Not higher than 0.03 0.03~0.07 From January 1, 2010
19 n-Butyric acid Not higher than 0.002 Not higher than 0.001 0.001~0.002
20 n-valeric acid Not higher than 0.002 Not higher than 0.0009 0.0009~0.002
21 i-valeric acid Not higher than 0.004 Not higher than 0.001 0.001~0.004
22 i-Butyl alcohol Not higher than 4.0 Not higher than 0.9 0.9~4.0

Current Status of odor analysis test equipments

  • Current Status of odor analysis test equipments
  • Current Status of odor analysis test equipments
  • Current Status of odor analysis test equipments
  • Current Status of odor analysis test equipments

Test evaluation on biodegradability

Equipment used in test evaluation on biodegradability of degradable plastic was manufactured in order to evaluate biodegradability of product that were made out of biodegradable resins or fuels according to [Notification on material standard of degradable synthetic resins [(Notified by the Ministry of Environment 2003-64 No, ‘03.3.26) in [Act on the Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources] and [Product for Ecolabel and certification standard -Biodegradable resins product] (Notified by the Ministry of Environment 2002-219 No, ’03.1.6) in [Enforcement Decree of the Development of and Support For Environmental Technology Act].

Test method : Under KS M ISO 14855-1_2013 composting condition, measuring aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials-Method based on analysis of emitted carbon dioxide

Flow chart of test and evaluation for decomposable plastic

Flow chart of test and evaluation for decomposable plastic

Characteristics of the test evaluation equipment for degradable plastic

Characteristics of the test evaluation equipment for degradable plastic
- Temperature controller : Digital
- High temperature room and low temperature room are separated and operated
- Chamber : Maintains the temperature of the fermentation chamber through the air circulation system
  • MFC 및 CO2 센서

    MFC / CO2 Sensor

    • - Installed MFC to keep the quantity of flow constant
    • - In order to quantitatively measure the amount of carbon dioxide generated after decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms in the culture bottle, the sensor must be installed downstream of the cooling device
  • Culture(composting) containers

    Culture(composting) containers

    • - Capacity : 1.5ℓ * 24EA
    • - Use a container that does not emit harmful substances from the microbes in the compost to allow the airflow to flow underneath the vessel and be released upward.
    • - When the cooling device is installed in the air flow control, a certain amount of distilled water is supplied to the lower part of the composting container to prevent the compost from being excessively dried.

Evaluation of biodegradability of bio-based plastics (biomass-containing polymers, etc.)

- Quantitatively evaluates the oxidative degradation and biodegradability of synthetic raw materials and products based on biomass

* Test Method : ASTM D 6954 -04 Standard Guide for Exposing and Testing Plastics that Degrade in the Environment by a Combination of Oxidation and Biodegradation

Evaluation of biodegradability of eco-friendly high molecular compound(hydraulic actuators, surfactants, etc.)

- Application of various test methods according to the physical properties of polymer compounds (water-soluble, water-insoluble, etc.) and evaluation of biodegradability applicable to various exposure environments (fresh water, sea water, etc.)

* Test Method : OECD 301 A : 1992 DOC Die-Away Test / OECD 301 F : 1992 Manometric Resporometry

Materials for tap water열림/닫힘

Elution test of water supply materials and products

To ensure the safety of water supply materials and products and to prevent secondary pollution of water supply, the risk and safety evaluation is necessary

Scope of test

1) General water supply materials such as pipes, valves, flow meter, pump, etc.

2) Water supply facility and and terminal water supply facility (faucet and water softener)

3) Surface materials

4) Water-saving accessories, water-proof protective caps, etc. Other water resistant materials and products

Related devices


Test specification

Process test method for hygienic safety standard of water materials and products
Test Method Legal basis Classification criteria Remarks
Process test method for hygienic safety standard of water materials and products Notification by the Ministry of Environment Materials KC mark certification
Related KS standards certification Industry standardization law Products KS standards certification
KWWA standard Group standard Product Group standard display certification