

서브 비주얼


Outline for Brazil certification system


To export product to Brazil, one needs to get conformity evaluation based on Brazil’s national technique standard. Depending on product, conformity evaluation method and procedure is different. Procedure to get certification is complicated and Ordinance is keep changing. Especially, regulation on parts for automobiles, electronic product, domestic appliances is becoming more strict. Brazil is running enforced certification system such as INMETRO, ANVISA, ANATEL, etc. In order to achieve relevant certificate, government organization of Brazil must get product test and factor inspection. In case of overseas test facility, test can be performed at 3rd test facility recognized by organization such as ILAC and IAAC that established common criteria recognition arrangement. If you already have international standard test report, test report that was issued within 2 years can be recognized.

Based on business agreement between Korea-Brazil test certification organization, test report issued from Korea Testing and Research Institute( KTR) is valid in Brazil certifcation organization. Also, KTR can carry out factory evaluation instead providing ONE-STOP certifcation service at reasonable price for domestic firm exporting to Brazil.

브라질 인증 제도의 인증기관 및 인증 대상
Certification organization Subject for certification
(National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality)
Brazil enforced safety certification
(Electronic product, etc.)
ANVISA(Agencia Naciona Vigilancia Sanitaria) Brazil Ministry of Food and Drug Safety certification
ANATEL(Agencia Nacional de telecomunicacoes) Brazil Ministry of Information and Communication

Item for enforced certification

NMETRO certification is one of the enforced certification to enter markert in Brazil. To export in Brazail, you must achieve certificate. Most industrilal product has been designated as INMETRO certification product. Product that nees INMETRO certification can be found at below officail website and items is increasing steadily. Main items are parts for automobiles, part for industry, domestic appliances, electronic product, product for baby.

ANVISA certification is enforced certification on product in medical field, heatlh, beuaty product, cosmetics, ect., and it is managed by ANVISA which is under Ministry of Health and Welfare of Brazil. Product that is not subject of enforced certification in our country can be item that needs certification in Brazil. So you must check your product requires ANVISA certification. Especially for electric medical device, INMETRO certification is needed additionally.

In order to distribute equipment related to communication within Brazil market, you need to go through ANATEL registration procedure. ANATEL certification is enforced certification system for communication device. ANATEL which is under Ministry of Information and Communication that deals with Act and regulation is managing it. ANATEL registration item are divided into 3 categories and depending on category, conformity evaluation method changes.

  • - Category I : General phone, communication cable, cell phone, phone
  • - Category Ⅱ : Part of communication equipment that is not included in term 1(Antenna, short distance communication equipment, etc.)
  • - Category Ⅲ : Among equipment that deals with connection and network between communication equipment, product that is not included in term 1 and 2 (Optical fiber cable, Multiplex, Router, etc.)

Term for electric product regulation

브라질 전기제품 규제 사항
Brazil Voltage 127 V, 220 V
Brazil Electrical Frequency 60 Hz
Brazil Plug type C/ N
  • 전기제품 플러그 Type C의 모습확대

    Plug Type C

  • 전기제품 플러그 Type N의 모습확대

    Plug Type N

Certification procedure - INMETRO certification

To achieve INMETRO certification, it must meet condition in Ordinance and get conformity evaluation from certification agency designated by National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology): (INMETRO). Conformity evaluation procedure consists of first time certification (Product test, Factory evaluation) and posterior evaluation(Posterior factory evaluation, research on available product). Certification is issued after certified for the first time and in order to maintain certificate, regular posterior evaluation is necessary.

“From issuing certifcate to maintenance, all process is carried out at KRT”

INMETRO 인증의 단계 절차 및 종류
Procedure by stage Type
1. Analysis of necessary document
  • - Certificate inquiry form
  • - Global standard test report( INMETRO certificate on plug and cord)
  • - Technical document
  • - User manual and product label (Must be in Portuguese)
  • - Circuit diagram, Picture of product, Major list for component
  • - Quality system certificate(ISO 9001, ISO 13485, etc.)
2. Product test Based on Ordinance, product test is carried out in laboratory designated by National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology(INMETRO) within Brazil or overseas laboratory. If standard does not exist, then global standard such as IEC is applied.
3. First time factory evaluation First time factory evaluation judge will visit manufacturing factory to inspect manufactruing environment and process. Factroy manufacturing the product will be target of inspection.
4. Issue a certificate After reviewing test report, factory inspection report, and technical document, certificate is issued. Label for product must be attached with INMETRO symbol and certification agency mark on product itself and package. Depending on product Labeling could change.(Caution for product, Classification of product form, etc.)

Posterior evaluation

Posterior evaluation id different depending on product, usual posterior factory evaluation(manufcaturing factory)and market research on available product(distribution center and retail/wholesale) are carried out repeatedly 6/9/12/24 months cycle.

브라질 인증 정기 사후 심사의 단계 절차 및 종류
Procedure by stage Type
1. Regular posterior evaluation Regular posterior evaluation includes sampling test, posterior factory evaluation, research on available market. In case of sampling test, if certified for the first time, tested model and other model should be sampled to go through test (If certified as Family group). Depending on technical level of product, sampling is carried out interchangeably manufacturing factory, Distribution center, field market.
2. Maintenance of certificate Separate regulation is applied depending on product technical regulation. Generally, if there is no problem after regular posterior evaluation every year and Customer Complaint Service(CCS), ceritificate is consistently valid.

Point of contact

담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Position Task Tel E-mail
Park Jinjae Manager KC, CB, CCC, CE etc Global Certificate +82-2-2164-1479 jjpark@ktr.or.kr