

서브 비주얼


Outline for IECEE

(좌)IEC마크 (우)IECEE이미지

IECEE Certification Body(CB) scheme is an international system for mutual acceptance of test reports and certificates dealing with the safety of electrical and electronic components, equipment, and products.

It is a multilateral agreement among participating countries and certification organizations, which aims to facilitate trade by promoting harmonization of national standards with International Standards and cooperation among accepted national certification bodies (NCBs) worldwide.

In 2024, the principle of mutual recognition of test results among member countries (53 countries) allows for obtaining national-level certification or approval globally without additional testing.

IECEE CB scheme has become essential part for export of electric product.


  • - Mutual recognition of test result between members
  • - Saving expenses through omitting repeated test between nations and time saving through entering market at right time
  • - Unification of standard and settlement of trader barrier between nation

Expected effect

  • - CB certification system is multilateral mutual agreement. CB test report issued under such system can be used in other member country securing international public confidence in domestic test facility
  • - Without extra expenses from repeated test, local manufacturers can achieve certification by nation within CB system without any limitation on country, time can be saved for entering market
  • - Considering EC consolidation, as CE-Mark system is enforced, CB certificate has become essential condition for safety certification as it is accepted by all European country
  • - As KRT has been internationally authorized as CBTL and NCB, at same level with overseas test facility, can achieve multiple certification by propelling individual MOU with just one CB test.
  • - By making domestic safety technic standard compatible with international standard (IEC standard), national electric product safety management system can be established as certification system that meet international standard to encourage mutual certification with overseas and enhance export of domestic company and international competitiveness
IECEE(국제전기기기인증제도)의 카테고리 및 관련 제품
Category Relevant product
BATT Battery
E3 Energy efficiency
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
HOUS Electric device for household and similar use
INST Part (company name, connection , coupler. , switch for electric facility , plug and socket)
LITE Lighting equipment
MED Electric medical device
MISC Subsidiary part(Laser, etc.)
OFF Information office device
TRON Audio video application device

Certification procedure

IECEE(국제전기기기인증) 절차 확대

  1. 1. 기업 → 한국화학융합시험연구원(KTR) : CB 인증신청, 제품시험, CB 인증서 발급
  2. 2. 한국화학융합시험연구원(KTR) → 기업 : 수출 상대국 인증 신청
  3. 3-1. IEC 규격과 국가 규격이 같은 경우 : 제품시험 없음(수출상대국 NCB)

    3-2. IEC 규격과 국가 규격이 상이한 경우 : 차이점(Deviation)에 대한 제품 시험(수출상대국 NCB) → 차이점에 대한 KTR 시험성적서 인정

  4. 4. 해당국가, 인증 취득
  5. 5. 수출

Point of contact

담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Position Task Tel E-mail
Park Jinjae Manager KC, CB, CCC, CE etc Global Certificate +82-2-2164-1479 jjpark@ktr.or.kr
Park, Myoung Ku Manager Electrical and electronic certification consultation and reception (KC, KS, CB, electromagnetic wave, high efficiency, request test, etc.) +82-2-2164-0130 mkpark@ktr.or.kr