

서브 비주얼


ANVISA (medical device/cosmetics)

ANVISA (Brazilian Ministry of Food and Drug Safety Inspection): Institution for the approval and monitoring of medical devices, medical supplies, and cosmetics, under the Brazilian Ministry of Health and Safety

Area of Action 확대

Food, Cosmetics, Sanitizing Products, Tabacco, Toxicology(Pesticides), Halth Services, Drugs, Medical Devices, Laboratorles, Blood and blood Products, Post-market Survaillance, Marketing Control, Ports, airports and Frontiers, International, Market Regulation

Registration Procedure

의료기기 등록 절차 순서도 확대

  1. 1. Check Brazilian medical device classification
  2. 2. Check the requisite for Brazilian GMP evaluation
  3. 3. Check the requisite for INMETRO certification
  4. 4. Brazilian registration holder donation
  5. 5. Forward Brazilian registration holder power of attorney
  6. 6. Technical document preparation, and send translated copy, legal document, and indications
  7. 7. Submission of Brazilian registration holder ANVISA application form (Portuguese, administrative fees)
  8. 8. ANVISA registration document review and issue registration number (DOU)
  9. 9. Market entry

Classification of Brazilian Medical Devices

Similar to Europe CE and Korean medical device classification, classified according to potential threat to the human body

브라질 의료기기 등급에 따른 예시와 등록방법
Classification Example How to Register
I Low Risk Majority of non-invasive products Cadastro
II Medium Risk Non-invasive blood container, short contact invasive products and diagnostic device Cadastro/Registro
III High Risk Majority of invasive products and majority of electronic products Registro
IV Maximum Risk Majority of products related to transplant submission of organs Registro

INMETRO Certification

  • - Mandatorily applicable for electronic medical device, injection needle, syringe, blood container, some measuring devices and breast implant
  • - Certification process (test and evaluation) performed by INMETRO certified
  • - Certification of ILAC institution test result (within 2 years)
  • - Valid for 5 years, mandatory annual renewal

Brazil GMP

  • - Similar to ISO 13485 and the Korean GMP regulation
  • - GMP evaluation mandatory for class 3, 4 medical device manufacturing factory
  • - Not mandatory for class 1, 2; INMETRO certification only
  • - Valid for 5 years (renewal mandatory prior to 12 months before expiry)

BRH, Brazilian Registration Holder

  • - Appointment necessary if no branch within the area in Brazil
  • - Legal owner of the Brazilian registration; in charge of communication with ANVISA for the product of the manufacturer

KTR Support

  • - Support ANVISA duties and offer the latest regulation trend
  • - Check Brazilian medical device classification
  • - Check requisite for INMETRO certification and support certification
  • - Discover appropriate partner in Brazil and offer the optimal advancement strategy
    • · Consulting agency
    • · BRH
    • · Importer/Distributor
  • - Offer various consulting

Point of contact

담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Position Task Tel E-mail
Park Jinjae Manager KC, CB, CCC, CE etc Global Certificate +82-2-2164-1479 jjpark@ktr.or.kr