

서브 비주얼


Chile SEC certificate is applied to electric safety of product and energy efficiency

Applied product

칠레 인증 적용제품의 구분 및 품목 수
Classification Number of Item
Electricity Safety Air conditioner, heater, lighting equipment, etc. total 181 items
Energy efficiency Air conditioner, refrigerator, TV, STB etc. total 15 items

※ Legal basis: Decree NO. 298 (2005) Approves Regulations for certification of electrical products and fuels, and repealing decree indicates

Certification procedure

Outline for total 7 certification system

Systems ceritification requirement

  • 1) Formal test + regular product inspection
  • 2) Formal test + Factory quality evaluation + Factory regular inspection and sampling inspection prior to sale
  • 3) Lot inspection
  • 4) Total inspection
  • 5) Formal test + Every year quality management system of manufacturing factory
  • 6) Special system(Overseas certification agency certificate recognition system)
  • 7) Mutual Recognition

Certification procedure for overseas manufacturer (Example)

System NO.1 - code 013 certification procedure

  • 1) Certification application from certification organization
  • 2) Formal test from designated test facility
  • 3) Issue certificate
  • 4) Lot sample test importer from Chile for the first time
  • 5) Granting certification number and attachment of OR code
  • 6) From second import Lot, need to carry out Verification test
  • - Batch sampling is determined by quantity shipped. If product comes from customs, certification organization must make it as sample and go through conformity test using 4-5 simple test
  • - On every ship same certifcation number can be labeled. System is mostly used by more than 95% of importer from Chile and big company
  • - But as certification system required by product varies so checking regulation of technic by product is required.

KTR service

Provide Chile electric electronic products safety and energy efficieny certificate service and utilize domestic test agency to reduce time and cost for certification.

Point of contact

담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Position Task Tel E-mail
Park Jinjae Manager KC, CB, CCC, CE etc Global Certificate +82-2-2164-1479 jjpark@ktr.or.kr