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Search JIS certified company

Can be searched under 'JIS Mark System (Search Certification Obtainer)' in Database Search, on www.jisc.go.jp. Also available through 'Show JIS Mark Certification Obtainer' on website below.

Show JIS Mark Certification Obtainer

JIS Summary

JIS 마크

JIS stands for Japanese Industrial Standard, and it is the Japanese national standard established in accordance with the Japanese Industrial Standards Act.

Deliberation of JIS establishment and revision is processed by Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (www.jisc.go.jp), and the Economy Industrial Ministry of Industrial Technology Environment is in charge of its office. Our institute has been performing as a JIS Mark Approval Inspection (after care) institution since October 12th, 1989; with the JIS Mark Certification Program changing to New JIS Mark Certification Program on October 1st 2005 and us being registered as a registration approval institute as of August 15th, 2007, we are now performing the duty of New JIS Mark Certification.

JIS Certification Program

Purpose of JIS Certification Program

  • - International Compliance of the Program
  • - Revision according to the international standards established by ISO/IEC
  • - Maximum usage of civilian capacity
  • - Revised to actively react to the technological innovation trend and market needs
  • - Secure the reliability of production
  • - Secure the reliability of JIS Mark that citizens wear, with its history of 50 years


Major Alterations

신 JIS 마크제도의 주요 변경사항 비교표
  Old JIS Mark System New JIS Mark System
Agent Certification Program based on the government Government specifies the items available for JIS Mark (Appointed Product System)
Target Certification Program which is performed by a government approved third party (registration approval instutition) Abolition of the Appointed Product System

구 JIS 마크

신 JIS 마크

How to Obtain the New Mark Certification

  • - New Certification Registration: Registration available from October 1st, 2005, based on the new JIS Certification Program
  • - Existing Certification Agents: Current JIS Mark is application available until September 30th, 2008 (New JIS Certification available to obtain from October 1st, 2005)

New JIS Mark Application

- The New JIS Mark is only available to New JIS Certification agents

JIS Certification Duty Quality Policy

  • - Impartial, competent and consistent certification duty will be performed.
  • - We execute certification duty that the users and suppliers of the products and processes trust.

Point of contact

담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Position Task Tel E-mail
KIM DONG YOUNG Researcher JIS Certificate +82-2-2164-1487 kdy1905@ktr.or.kr
JO JIN MIN Researcher JIS Certificate +82-2-2164-1449 jinmini@ktr.or.kr