

서브 비주얼


PSE Certification

Overview of the PSE (Product Safety Electrical) Certification

PSE Certification is a mandatory certification performed based on the Product Safety Electrical law of Japan, which is regulated by Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). PSE mark, which certifies the safety of electrical products in Japan, complies with the DENAN Law, a revised (on April 1st, 2001) form of the existing household electronic device regulations (ie. Dentori Mark, T-Mark).

Products manufactured or imported to be exported to Japan should comply with the standard provided for the product, and should obtain PSE Certification accordingly.

The subjects of certification are categorized into Specified Electrical Products (116 items) and Non-specified Electrical Products (341 items), with different procedures and requirements depending on the categorization.

Items Subject to Certification

인증대상 품목 - 특정전기용품 (PSE Diamond) 116품목, 특정전기용품 이외의 전기용품 (PSE Circle) 341품목
PSE Diamond

Specified Electrical Products (PSE Diamond) - 116 items

: In order for these products to enter the Japanese market, they must undergo a conformance test through a Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry approved safety inspection organization, either Japanese or foreign.

eg. wire, fuse, wiring device, current limiter, transformer, heater, electronic machines and apparatus, other alternating electrical devices, portable generator, etc.

PSE Circle

Non-specified Electrical Products (PSE Circle) - 341 items

: It is not mandatory to get certified through a Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry approved safety inspection organization in Japan; however, they must undergo a self-inspection or an evaluation through an institution, and apply a PSE Circle mark on the product or its label. Without this mark, it cannot clear the Japanese customs entry.

eg. wire, fuse, wiring device, small alternating motor, heat transfering device, electrical machines and appartus, light source and its machines and appartus, electronic machines and apparatus, alternating electrical devices, lithium-ion accumulator, etc.

- Specific items subject to certification are listed on the METI website.

METI website

Certification Process

Certification Process

  • - Specified Electrical Products: Application → Product Test & Factory Screening → Certificate Issued
  • - - Non-specified Electrical Products: Application → Product Test → Declaration of Conformity (DoC) Issued

Documents Required

Documents Required for PSE Certification (New)

  • 1. Picture/drawing of the product to verify the product form
  • 2. Product specification
  • 3. Circuit diagram, components list
  • 4. Test standard required
  • 5. Electric product
  • 6. Rated voltage check
  • 7. Test results in English or Japanese
  • 8. Certificate of Rank Conformity numer of copies required
  • 9. Manufacturer
  • 10. Country of manufacture


  • 11. List of Inspection facilities
  • 12. Map to the factory

Documents Required for PSE Modification

  • 1. Current and new business license (English)
  • 2. Inspection facility list
    - If the measuring device on the list is rectified externally, submit Certificate of Correction; if done within the company, submit In-house Inspection List or Management Register.
  • 3. Modification form for Certificate of Conformity or Certificate of Rank Conformity
  • 4. Questionnaire for Specific Examination Facilities Evaluation Standard
  • 5. Registration Modification Declaration Form (free form, including the following)
    • a. Applicant's signature, company name, address, affiliation, position, and name
    • b. Date of modification
    • c. Modified content -> Modification of company address and factory address
      (OLD) company address and factory address
      (NEW) company address and factory address
    • d. If the modification form is deligated to a representative, confirm that it can be disclosed to the representative henceforth.
  • 6. Factory map

Related Regulation

  • - Electric Appliance and Material Safety Law
  • - Cabinet Order of the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law
  • - Ordinance of the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law
  • - Ordinance Concerning Technical Requirements

Point of contact

담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Position Task Tel E-mail
Park Jinjae Manager KC, CB, CCC, CE etc Global Certificate +82-2-2164-1479 jjpark@ktr.or.kr