

서브 비주얼





Products sold in Vietnam must comply with the "Standards and Technical Regulations" and 'Product Quality Act'. The products are divided into group 1 (products harmless to human, animal and environment, etc.) and group 2 (products that have potential hazards for human, animal and plants, environment, etc.), and the products belonging to Group 2 are forced authentication targets related to Vietnam Technical Regulations Must be satisfied.


1. Safety - QCVN 4:2009/BKHCN

Safety - QCVN 4:2009/BKHCN
1 Moment water heater 2 Hot water reservoir
3 Hair Dryer & Hair Related Products 4 Electric kettle
5 Electric rice cooker 6 fans
7 Electric iron 8 Microwave oven
9 Portable Cookware 10 PVC insulation cable (450/750 V or less)
11 Portable immersion water heater 12 Coffee Port
13 Hand Dryer    

2. Safety - QCVN 4:2009/BKHCN AND REV.1:2016

Safety - QCVN 4:2009/BKHCN AND REV.1:2016
1 Instant water boiler 2 Hot water dispenser
3 Hair Dryer and other Hair dressing apparatus 4 Electric kettle
5 Electric rice cooker 6 Tea or coffee maker
7 Hand dryer 8 Electric grill and roaster
9 Electric Iron 10 Microwave oven
11 Electric fan 12 Electrical immersion water heater
13 PVC coated Cable    

The CR conformity assessment procedure for the electrical safety field is one of the Type5 and Type7 to select the manufacturer.

* Type5 :Format test, factory review, etc. on initial application, and regular post-management is executed

* Type7 : Type Test(Sample) is made for large representative products by lot, and certification must be certified for each lot

For the CR conformity assessment procedure for the electrical safety field, the applicant can choose either Scheme 5 or Scheme 7.

* Scheme 5 : Type test + Initial factory inspection + Regular surveillance

* Scheme 7 : Lot. Inspection (Sampling and Type test)

3. EMC - QCVN 9 : 2012/BKHCN AND REV.1:2018

EMC - QCVN 9 : 2012/BKHCN AND REV.1:2018
1 Instant water boiler 2 Hand-held motor-operated drill
3 Vacuum Cleaner 4 Washing Machine
5 Refrigerator, Freezer 6 Air conditioner
7 Hair dryer 8 Grinder and mixer
9 Microwave oven 10 Electric and induction stove
11 Self-ballast lamp    

The CR conformity assessment procedure for the electrical safety field is one of the Type5 and Type7 to select the manufacturer.
* TYPE1 : Product type test and Product inspection

The CR conformity assessment procedure for EMC is applied only to Scheme 1.
* Scheme 1 : Type test and Physical checking for product

4. LED Product - QCVN 19:2019/BKHCN

LED Product - QCVN 19:2019/BKHCN
1 Fixed general purpose LED luminaires
2 Portable general purpose LED luminaires
3 Self-ballasted LED-lamp for general lighting services by voltage>50 V
4 Double-capped LED-lamps designed to retrofit linear fluorescent lamps

The CR conformity assessment procedure for Safety & EMC(EMI) is applied to Scheme 1 until 2021.
* Scheme 1 : Type test and Physical checking for product


Definition of Vietnamese cosmetic

베트남 화장품의 분류, 정의, 예
Classification Definition Example
Cosmetics Cosmetics means substance or mixutre that is applied to outer part of body(dermis, hair tissue, nail, lips and sexternal genital organ) or teech and oral mucosa and should maintain cleansing, scent, outer structure, protection, or decent condition to neutralize body smell. Perfume, lipstic, manicure, powder, shampoo, hair spray, etc.

※ Cosmetic is classified as product that can cause direct effect on human body. Import is possible since it got approval from DAV.

베트남 화장품의 분류에 따른 용도 및 설명
Classification use and explanation
Cream, emulsion, lotion, gell and oil Use for hand/face/foot
Mask Exclude dead skin cell removal
Tone( Basic for cosmetics) Form : solution, dough, powder
Powder for makeup, Bathing powder, Hygiene powder  
Soap for cosmetic, Soap for deodorization  
Perfume, skin tonic, Shower Cologne, etc. perfume  
Product for bath and shower Form : salt, foaming agent, oil, gel, etc.
Deodorization (Deodorant) and diaphoretic  
Hair product Dye and Dye for part/ Product for hair wave straight or for fix/ hair gel/hair spray/hair mousse / Cleanser for bathing, etc.
Product for shaving Shaving substitution, Shaving foam
Make up for eyes and face and removal  
Product for lip care All products related to lips
Product for teeth and mouth care  
Make up, Product for nail care  
Product related to hygiene  
Product for tanning  
Product for tanning indoor Product showing tanning effect without sunshine
Whitening product  
Product for preventing wrinkles  

※ Annex of 06/2011/TT-BYT 1- Classification of imported cosmetic distributed in Vietnames market

Procedure for comsemtic approval application

[제품품질검사 및 행정심사 → 화장품 제품신고(규정준수 검토)] → 결과 통보 및 제품신고 번호 발급 확대

In Vietnam product is classified as product that can cause direct effect. DAV under Vietnam Ministry of Health and Welfare manages registration of product and certification.

If cosmetic is imported to Vietnam, ones need to get cosmetic notification number from Ministry of Health and Welfare. Usually Vietnam buyer manages registration process.

KTR Service

From product classification to registration, provide one-stop service


Definition of Vietnamese food

베트남 식품의 분류, 정의, 예
Classfication Definition Example
General food General Vietnamese food are general food that can be used by all consumers to enhance health with no specific nutrients or specific ways to intake. Snack, beverages, other processed food, etc.
Functional food Vietnamese functional food support function of all organs in our body andprovides nutrient. It makes our body fresh and decrease risk from getting contagious disease. Vietnamese functional food is divided by effect, composition, and user guide. Nutrient supplement, Supplement for trace nutrients, Food for health maintenance, Food with medical effect

Types of general food

일반식품의 구분 및 종류
Classification Types
Fat and oils Animal and plant fat
Beverage Milk, dairy product , product made with milk, coffee, tea, Alcohol
Confectionery Sweets, Bakery product, Products containing kakao
Raw materials Sugar, kakao, starch, pepper, seasoning, vinegar, food additives
Processed food Vegetables, products made with fruit, meat processed food, fish processed food
Fresh food Vegetables, fruit, nuts, grains, etc.

General food approval order

[수입식품 기준적합신고 → 신고 서류 제출] → 식품기준적합 증명서 발급 확대

  • - Prior to distribution to market, all processed and packaged food, plant additive, product supplements, container, package that has national standard must be notified based on product standard conformity.
  • - Product without standard must go through food safety regulation conformity notification. Until national standard for the product is issued, prior to distribution to market, product standard conformity notification must be made in all related organization within the nation.
  • - Product imported to Vietnam must follow general food regulation like food produced in Vietnam. Things to get approval for imported food are food standard conformity notification and food safety and quarantine inspection.
  • - Food standard notification are made through food safety office to get standard conformity certificate. Through Inspection agency designated by Ministry of health and welfare and after going through food safety hygiene quality quarantine inspection, can get import license.

Types of functional food

기능성 식품의 구분 및 종류
Classification Type
Nutrient supplements General food enhanced with vitamin and minerals
Supplements for trace nutrients Vitamin and minerals to supplement trace nutrients
Food for health maintenance Similar food with Chinese health food
Food with medical effect Special food that passed clinical test and have authorization to prove function announced by supplier and has protocol and indications

Approval order for functional food

[수입식품 기준적합신고 → 신고 서류 제출] → 식품기준적합 증명서 발급 확대

  • - In Vietnam instead of term health functional food 「Functional food 」is used as similar terms.
  • - Functioanl food in Vietnam is classified by effect, composition, and user guide.
  • - For product that has vitamin, mineral and matters related with activating physiology, product supplier must announced that product is functioanl food and if it is appropriate to regulation, it can be notified as functional food.
  • - Import of functional food in Vietnam is managed under same system with that of general food. Functional food is divided into special food: nutritious food for children, food for intravenous alimentation, DNA transformed food, and radiated food. Extra information about function and safety must be submitted.

KTR Service

From product classification to registration, provide one-stop service

Point of contact

담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Position Task Tel E-mail
Park Jinjae Manager KC, CB, CCC, CE etc Global Certificate +82-2-2164-1479 jjpark@ktr.or.kr