

서브 비주얼


Definition of EU cosmetics

According to European cosmetics Act (EC No 1223/2009), cosmetics means substance or mixutre that is applied to outer part of body(dermis, hair tissue, nail, lips and sexternal genital organ) or teech and oral mucosa and should maintain cleansing, scent, outer structure, protection, or decent condition to neutralize body smell.

  • 1. Cosmetic should not be confused with food to harm consumer's health and safety (Type, smell, color, look, package, label, volume,size, etc.)
  • 2. If use of product is eating, absorbing, insertion or transplant, then it is not cosmetics.
  • 3. Cosmetic must meet relevant requirement on prohibited ingredient, limited substance, coloring agent, preservative and UV filter, etc. (Annexes II-VI)

Cosmetic classification

A)Regulation on EU cosmetic + Korea sanitary aid, B)Korea sanitary aid + EU regulation on biocide, C) Regulation on EU cosmetic + Korea Cosmetic Act 확대

A)Regulation on EU cosmetic + Korea sanitary aid

  • - Whitening agent for teeth
  • - Teeth cleaning/disinfectant

B)Korea sanitary aid + EU regulation on biocide

  • - Cleaning agent
  • - Hand disinfectant
  • - General disinfectant
  • - humidifier germicide
  • - Pesticide
  • - Repellent

C) Regulation on EU cosmetic + Korea Cosmetic Act

  • - Basic cosmetic
  • - Cleanser for human body
  • - Sunscreen
  • - Whitening ingredient
  • - Anti-aging
  • - Hairdye
  • - Depilatory
  • - Agent preventing hair loss
  • - Deodorant
  • - Cleanser for pimple

Registration procedure for cosmetics in Europe

제품분류 → 책임자(PR)선정  → 제품정보파일(PIF) 준비 → EU 퐈장품 포탈(CPNP) 신고 → 유럽 수출 및 사후관리 확대

유럽 화장품 등록 절차
Group Procedure
1 Product classification
  • Definition of cosmetic based on Europe Cosmetic Act EC No 1223/2009
2 Selecting representative(RP)
  • Person in charge within corporate body in Europe or product for people are possible to release in Europe market
3 Preparation of prouct information file(PIF)
  • Product information file(PIF) that are very basic for EU cosmetic notification
4 Report on EU cosmetic portal (CPNP)
  • - Essential condition prior to market entry
  • - Notify after product meets relevant Act
5 Export and follow-up management in Europe
  • - After 1 ~ 4 stage cosmetics in Europe can be exported
  • - Product must always abide by Act

KTR service

From product classification to portal notification, provide one-stop service

Point of contact

담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Position Task Tel E-mail
Park Jinjae Manager KC, CB, CCC, CE etc Global Certificate +82-2-2164-1479 jjpark@ktr.or.kr