

서브 비주얼

GS (Geprueft Sicherheit Mark) certification system

Outline for GS (Geprueft Sicherheit Mark) certification system

GS 마크

GS Mark is a mark that assures quality and safety on industrial products distributed in market in Germany. Based on Safety Act on device (Geräte-und Produktsicherheitsgesetz (GPSG)) established by Ministry of Labor in the Federal Republic of Germany, it is certification mark managed by subordinate office of Ministry of labor, BAU. This is similar with ‘KS’ mark in Korea. It is not enforced to get certified but it is the most reliable mark for consumers in Germany.

To achieve this mark, test is required from testing laboratory certified by GPSG based on DIN or EN standard. After passing the test, maximum 5 years of certificate is granted and factory evaluation is carried out every year for qualification maintenace.

Item subject for certification

Item subject for certification (Could be varied depeding on condition of cooperation organization)

Electric and electronic product, Equipment for machine, medical device, gas device, transformer , sound system, light equipment, air conditioning and heating , toy, equipment for sport, part of an automobile, facility for transporting, loading, and unloading, packing machine

Certification procedure

GS 인증절차 확대

  1. Write GS Mark certification application form and appplication requirement standard
  2. Formal test executed in testing laboratory (KTR is in agreement with ‘SLG’) certified by German Equipment and Product Safety Act (GPSG)
  3. Carry out factory evaluation
  4. Sign of applicants for right and duty about test and product certification
  5. Factory evaluation carried out once a year for maintenance of qualification
  6. At the premise that produced product is same with product produced in first formal test, pay GS Mark annual fee for each item.

Point of contact

담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Position Task Tel E-mail
Park Jinjae Manager KC, CB, CCC, CE etc Global Certificate +82-2-2164-1479 jjpark@ktr.or.kr